Chapter II - Cookies (UPDATED)

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Kagura gazed blankly at the clock, which was hanging above the door leading to one of the hospital rooms. Time didn't matter to her, it was just another determinant which effects Kagura didn't know and didn't want to know. Minutes and hours fused with each other, creating lacklustre homogenous mash. How much time had it really passed? It didn't matter, she just wanted to see Gintoki's face. Maybe it would be easier for her to make the decision then.

"What did you want to talk about?" asked Kagura, impatient, just waking up from a long nap. She wasn't feeling good but definitely better than before. She hadn't even realized how much she needed to sleep. The older brother was right that one and only time. Kamui, on the other hand, looked much worse. His ragged hair went hand in hand with his puffy eyes which were watching everything around him, unconscious. He would choose to sleep over everything, getting lost in the land of dreams. He wanted to escape from the reality and his problem even if it was for just a little bit, but his reality was sitting in front of him. She was staring at him impatiently with blue eyes with anxiety appearing on her face.

"Would you like to fly away with me and my crew? Leave the earth, visit the space."

Kagura was speechless. She looked for jokes in her brother's offer but Kamui's face was serious and expressed sadness, if he was capable of such emotions. She tried to figure out what that murderer was planning but he didn't give her any clues. She was lost and confused. She was feeling as if she was that little girl again who had been left by her older brother and she didn't know what to do.

"Why me? Why now?" she stalled after a moment. Kagura clenched her fists because of her anxiety.

"You have to learn a lot and this is a great opportunity to practice. We don't hate each other so much so..." he stopped, trying to think of appropriate words and arguments but he gave up and changed the subject. "Umibozu's child is a strong Yato. Even without a training you're quite good, but not good enough. That's why I offered it."

"I... I don't know. I have to think about it." Kagura mumbled, feeling panic building up inside her.

"We're leaving in three days. We'll meet at the big tree that is still standing somehow." Kamui stood up and stretched.

"The one next to the grocery shop?"

"If by that you mean the ruins, then yes."

Kamui walked out of the room, leaving Kagura all alone with her thoughts. She had some more time left to decide. She wanted to do something, go somewhere, talk with someone but her tiredness was too strong. She fell asleep against her will.

She had never encountered such a difficult choice. Kamui, her family, her prodigal brother finally had changed his temper and was ready for ordinary relation. How could she waste such an opportunity? It was possible she was the only one who could convince him to more human behaviour and save his soul. She was afraid there were no one else. So much wasted time that had passed in dark abysses of despair and death with no sign of light or hope. Something had been fixed but was it enough? Could a few words blown away the winds of uncertainty and bitterly unsaid emotions? The time was needed to repair what had been destroyed. She wanted to get to know herselft as well more than ever. She understood she had to become stronger if she wanted to protect what she loved. Kagura wasn't sure if the Earth was the place she could find what she was looking for. Words and hope weren't enough, she had already done that.

On the other hand, she couldn't leave Edo in such difficult time. Everyone was working as hard as they could in order to rebuild the city and every spare pair of hand was priceless, especially the strong Yato's hands. Gintoki was still in hospital, not giving any signs of life except for the sounds of his beating heart. She couldn't leave him. He had done so much for her.

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