Chapter I - Kamui's dilemmas (UPDATED)

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"Gin-chan!" screamed Kagura as she ran to Sakata's motionless body. The tears filled her eyes and started to stream down her cheeks. She looked at his face. His stupid smile annoyed her every time she saw it. It wasn't different now. "Come on, you stupid perm idiot! Who's going to lead Yorozuya? Come back!" she screamed in cracked voice.She couldn't say another word. She laid her head on Gintoki's chest and started crying. It was a desperate and percingly attempt to curse the world, letting all of her pain out. She didn't want to turn around. She couldn't bear with the sad looks from people behind her, who felt sorry for her. What was she supposed to do with their condolences? Would their words bring Gintoki back? Would they make her brother, father and friend in one person open his eyes?

Kamui didn't know how to react. On the one side, the view of pervasive death and the sounds of wailing on the battlefield weren't new for him. How many times was he the cause of them? He killed without a rest, leaving a path combined of dirty blood and the smell of death behind him. On the other hand, this time he wasn't a villain. It was new and unpleasant. He felt sadness, looking at his sister's swollen from tears face, who was crying loudly and painfully. That view was ripping him apart, causing unpleasant ache near his heart or something that was left of it. How people would react after his death? Would anyone cry? The questions churning in his head made no sense. Where that sudden rush of feelings came from, so unlike him? He wanted Kagura to miss him when he ends his life. She was one of the few people that mattered to him.

But why should she miss him? He tore the family apart, tried go kill Kagura and murdered her shogun friend. The older brother shouldn't behave like that. He knew he was evil but he never expected to be bothered by it. He had never planned that, it wasn't supposed to be like that. He knew they were far from the normal family role model but maybe there was still some time left to fix it all.

The man in jaggy clothes came over to Kagura and knelt by her. Kamui didn't hear the exact words said by the stranger but figured out their meaning. Kagura pushed him away and the man collapsed on the ground, terrified. No one seemed to notice. Everyone was too busy with their own bereavement and no one had time for the pain of others.

Kagura's movements became more and more violent. The man, despite of his fear, tried to explain to Kagura that they needed to take him to the hospital but Kagura was deafen by such a strong pain that she couldn't ignore it.

Kamui decided to step in. He was afraid that Kagura may hurt the man by accident. No, he wasn't worried about the potential death of some Earthling but Kagura's mental state after that incident could only worsen her situation. Someone had to stop her and he was her older brother after all.

He came over to Kagura with quick and firm step. He put his hand on her shoulder, trying to solve the problem without using kind words or meaningful looks. Figure it out, stupid, don't make me stage a cheap play, he thought.

However, he knew that world and the death of close ones weren't working this way. Indeed, death. He didn't believe anyone could survive such a difficult fight with a large amount of serious injuries. No one, even the White Demon.

"Kagura, it's over" he said after a moment. The tone of his voice hadn't changed a bit, it was equally cold and lacking of sensitivity as always. He didn't know what he was supposed to say to her. In his heart there was a blockade, covered in rust, being the result of indifference on life and death. "Kagura, he won't open his eyes anymore."

"Shut up! Go back to killing people and leave me alone! That's what you can do best! And he's not dead yet!"

He couldn't argue with the words said by her. He wanted to defend himself and deny the claims against him but it wasn't possible. Everything she said was true, a clear experience of her whole life and a part of his personality with which he had to deal with. So why did he want to change that so bad? Why did his heart shrink from pain and was radiating with sadness?

"Well, he will be dead without necessary health care." he said, annoyed by her stupidity, his feelings and the ache in his heart. He couldn't get angry, then everything would go too fast and no one could stop the deadly sibling from the bloodshed.

"You care so much?" asked Kagura mockingly, not giving her brother even a glance. "Go back to your ship. You've done your part." Kamui sighed, taking his hand off of her shoulder. He should had known she was going to be stubborn. They had it in their genes. He hated that equally in her as in him and their father. The personality trait that was hard to win over, but also difficult to live in peace with.

"Don't be stupid" he whispered and hit her neck with his hand. Kagura fell on the ground, unconscious. Kamui put his sister on his shoulders, giving the man signal to take the injured to the hospital and take care of him. A few people gave Kamui a suspicious looks but none of them made any sudden moves to stop him.


When Kagura woke up in the hospital, she was angry. She tried to escape but Kamui caught her so she tried to break free desperately. There was no logic in her actions so it was easy to put her back in bed. Kamui had to wait out his sister's wave of anger in order to communicate with her in the normal way.

"I have to talk with you about something" said Kamui, sighing heavily.

"What do you want from me?" pouted Kagura angrily, crossing her arms on her chest.

Kamui looked at her with tired eyes, having serious doubts about his decision. To Kagura's surprise, he stood up and walked towards the bed next to them. He took a minute to get to the comfortable position, then he stayed still.

"How dare you?" asked annoyed Kagura. She didn't want to sleep with psychopath in one room. "Oi, stupid brother."

"Go to sleep. We'll talk in an hour. We're both tired" he mumbled half-conscious with one leg in Morpheus's land. "If you start talking then I promise you that you will get unconscious in less than five seconds!" he added in dangerous tone, stopping Kagura from letting out another flow of words. She got silent, mumbling angrily something under her breath.

"What did I say?!"

After a couple of minutes they were both sleeping like a log, wandering anxious in the land of dreams.

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