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Hi, this is an edited version of chapter one as I wasn't satisfied with the previous one. It has some minor and major changes, I'd appreciate it if you have a go at this as well. I'll be doing the editing work everyday.

I hope, it doesn't disappoint any of you.

Vote, Comment and Critique, if you wish.


Sensitive Egg-Hole

Two endless hours later, I am escorted to Connecticut's airport anteroom. I haven't been outside England before, it's my first time traveling across countries. After today I can openly admit, airplanes make me cranky. 

With no clue, which individual of the Raymond's family is here to collect me besides the fact that I don't know how they look like, I proceed towards the reception desk.

Wisely, I decide to call dad first to avoid getting irritated further by the horde of travelers around the occupied podium.

I switch on my treasured iPhone 6s, pressing the speed dial. I don't even hear the first bell ring and he's on the line.

Yeah, he loves me that much. I am his only family left for mom didn't stay long enough for him to worry about her whereabouts, hence Zara Vivian, the sole dear now separated by an ocean or two.

"Oh Zara, it's good to hear your voice, did you have a safe flight?" He inquires, concerned.

No doubt, it's the first interesting thing I am hearing after the longest quarter of my day.

"Yeah dad, and hello to you too. Who's here to pick me up?" I ask eyeing my surroundings, in the hopes of finding someone holding a banner with my name splattered in bold on it.

I just want to get over with today. It's unnerving to be out of your comfort zone if all you've did your entire life is hole up in a room buried deep in books debarring yourself from the other things life has to offer, on purpose.

To my utter dismay all I see are giddy people at the arrivals side and sad ones at the departing one.

"I called David, he informed me that his eldest son Eugene is on his way to pick you up and probably he is already there,"

"And Zara, ask the reception lady, she might help you in finding Eugene." Dad instructs.

I keep dad on hold walking to the reception desk while rolling my eyes, as if I am actually going to ask each and every person, if they were 'Eugene Freaking Raymond'. Waiting impatiently for the crowd to clear up, finally I see a middle-aged red head appear before me;

"Um, excuse me!" If it wasn't my bad mood nearing to take over, alarming me with loud gongs, I would've found the present amusing. Her unprofessional venereal behaviour including batting her fake eye lashes at the young seemingly out of place man in suit, trying to get his number wanting to do sinful things not worth mentioning, I had enough. But his next words, cut short my forthcoming fit of outrage.

"Listen here, Miss Faulkner. I am a busy man obliged to run my dad's errands. I would highly appreciate it if you button up your blouse, it's cold and help me find Zara Vivian under flight el1527." Slightly appalled at his bold, intimidating tone, I land my blue orbs on him for a mere second before leaving the reception lady to relish in her embarrassment alone. I have to let dad off from hold.

Putting back my phone in my jeans pocket assuring dad, I'll be fine, I head back to the reception desk surprised to see Eugene is nowhere in spot. I hurriedly ask the lady, certain she has gotten a grip.

"Hey, I am Zara Vivian and I am looking for Eugene Raymond, the guy who was standing right here a while ago." Hearing Eugene's name, her eyes shoot up to me, red tinting her cheeks. But after giving me a once over, she throws me a disgusting look.

What did I do?

Pure Descendant and His lawyer to be. #Wattys2017 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora