Thirteen, every move is on the radar.

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Thirteen, every move is on the radar.


I am so sorry, I've been gone so long. It won't happen again.

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It is the second slot out of today's five and I am already feeling like I should've stayed at the Raymond's. The fact that my head is in the air these days is troublesome for my career.

A mountain of pending work through the first month of my first semester is unbelievable for my nerdy self.

I need to take control before I succumb to the failure my distractions can cause me.

Out of all the days Andrew chose today to call in sick.


I groan as I shut my locker door and head back to class.


"What are you doing sitting alone all by yourself." The familiar voice startles me and I look up from the 'law' book my nose is currently in.

"Oh, hey Nolan," I greet.

"Andrew called in sick today and as you might have noticed I don't have many friends here."

He smiles at my response and without any hesitation sits across from me on the table. The amount of feminine eyes turning around to witness us together in lunchroom makes me realise how popular with the ladies he must be.

"Well, we can change that." He announces, bringing his hand forward for me to shake. I blankly take it in mine, unaware of what he is implying.

"Friends?" he half asks, as if he knows I can't refuse him. I nod anyways.

Eugene is going to suck my veins dry today.

On cue, my phone starts ringing and he let go of my now sweaty palms. I smile sheepishly after seeing the caller id.

I am impressed at how fast he is, but I am also in for some dropping you out of university threats.

"I am sorry but I definitely have to take this." He shrugs and I excuse myself. I walk out of the cafeteria betting on Nolan could be a vampire and must have sensitive hearing. Inside the girls' locker room, I answer the call.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" like hell, he is pissed.

"What do you mean?" I feign innocence by going all Bieber on him.

"You know exactly what I am going about, Velvet. Bonding with Nolan? Are you for real?" he snaps.

"Eugene you're exaggerating things here, he is just being considerate to me and Andrew isn't here today; I have no one else to hang out with." I try to reason with him.

"For starters, I've never approved of Andrew and I don't give a damn, you have to stay away from him. And I am sure some girl must have introduced herself, go and befriend her." He lectures and I internally grunt at how mean he is being right now.

"I can't hear you." I lie, exasperated. I am done taking his crap.

"You what?" he shouts in the phone.

Oh my poor bleeding ears and my fragile little heart.

"I meant, no. You can stuck your orders up your," I pause.

"Whatever." I end the call keeping the bruised purity of my tongue intact.

I must tell, it got bruised in America not when I was under my father's supervision.

"Is everything alright?" Nolan inquires as I found my seat beside him with a sour face.

"Yes, everything is peachy." I drawl.

A ghost of a smile plays on my lips thinking about what Eugene must be doing at this moment.

Shattering workplace and yelling at the walls? Serves him right.

"You into Japanese comics?" he asks, shocked. I blush at the manga in his hand, one of my favourites.

"Very much, I love to waste my time on these." I admit. He intently skims the object under inspection, figuring me out, probably.

He offers me the chocolate in his other hand and I soundly reject. "I hate chocolates."

Pure Descendant and His lawyer to be. #Wattys2017 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora