party at my house (04)

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"yet despite foiling several attempts to seize the confederate capital, lee recognized that the key to ultimate success was a victory on northern soil. in september--"

yadah. yadah.

so, this is really happening.

mr. smith forced us to watch this boring documentary and instructed us to take down important notes while watching. how the hell am i supposed to do that when i can't even see what i'm writing since all the lights are turned off and the projector isn't exactly that bright either? besides, i'm never good with multi-tasking so this is pretty much impossible for me.

so, i decided to sleep this whole subject. don't worry, i probably won't fail. i'm kim jisoo for pete's sake, i never fail in history -- i know my history pretty darn well.

and just as i'm about to doze off, i felt a tap on my shoulder. at first, i decided to just ignore it hoping that it would stop, but it didn't. so, i turned my head to the side and mentally groaned when i was met with brown eyes that sickly looks so much like jennie's.

oh, wait, they're jennie's. pabo.

ah, right. for a second, i had completely forgotten that i share my history class with my bully. she had multiple seats to choose from, but she decided that she wants to sit next to me. she probably did that to make my blood boil, gosh, i hate her.

"what?" i asked in a hushed tone, brow raised.

instead of answering, she passed me a paper. i took it and tried to read whatever is written on it, but i can't see a thing.

"what's in the paper? i can't read it," i said, eyes squinted to the piece of paper hoping to see the writings much clearer.

"it says: party at friday. my house."

my lips parted, i took my time to process what jennie just said. did she really just invite me to a party at her house?

"what? no, i'm not coming," i replied.

coming to a party that's full of the "cool kids", jocks and cheerleaders will probably be the worst idea i could ever do. i don't fit there, i just -- i don't like them.

"oh c'mon, chu," she inched closer to me to nudge my shoulder.

"no means no, jennie," i rolled my eyes. "i don't belong here," i waved the piece of paper in front of her face.

she was about to say something. i would know because her mouth opened, but before she could say whatever she wanted to say; the lights turned on.

thank god.

and then the bell for lunch rang.

i instantly stood up, my book and notebook being crammed inside my bag like stuffing. i swung my bag behind my back and quickly made my way out of the room -- the piece of paper that jennie had given is completely forgotten.

"hey, jichu," i felt an arm go around my shoulder. i looked up and saw kenzo, smiling from ear to ear.

"hey, kenzo," i greeted back. "you look happy, what's up?"

he shrugged, the cute smile never leaving his handsome face. "not much. just happy to see you."

"aw, so sweet!" i nudged his side and chuckled. "don't fall in love with me, kenzo," i teased him before winking.

"if i fall will you catch me?" he raised a brow.

"maybe," i replied accompanied with another wink.



i jumped at the sudden noise, kenzo removed his arm that was wrapped around my shoulder and looked around. i whipped my head to noise's direction. my breath hitched when i saw that it was jennie who caused the commotion.

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