she had always been beautiful (05)

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days passed by so quickly that i didn't even realized that it was already friday. it only came to me when i had to write the date for my math quiz. i have mix emotions because one, i kind of promised jennie that i'll be coming to her party TODAY. two, i don't know what to wear or what to do. three, i don't know if jennie is planning something mischievous.

i know that jennie promised that she isn't plotting anything, but hey, a girl can be doubtful sometimes. okay?

"alright, once you're done you can pass me your paper."

half of the class stood up and i was shocked. i quickly answered my test, solutions scrabbled on my extra paper.

i should really think about this later.


i was about to get my books for the next subjects when i see kenzo waiting by my locker.

"hey, kezzy," i smiled at him.

when i first called him that he told me that kezzy is such a lame nickname. excuse me? i think it's really adorable, but if you think otherwise, we need to talk. 1 on 1.

his face instantly lit up when he saw me. "hi, jichu."

he seemed to be over the nickname. that's good. it's such a cute nickname.

"were you waiting for me?" i asked.

he moved to the side so that i can access my locker. i put in the correct pattern and grabbed the books that i needed.

"well, yeah, i kind of was," he answered while scratching his nape.

i chuckled at how cute he's being. "well? go on, tell me."

he seemed doubtful about this, so i flashed him a bright smile -- he gave in.

"well, u-uhm, do you want to go on a date on saturday?" he met my gaze, eyes pleading.

so cute.

"sure!" i answered immediately, no hesitation whatsoever.

"what? really?" his eyes widened, a grin slowly creeping its way on his face.

"yes," i nodded. "what time?"

"does 3PM sounds good to you? i kind of have everything planned out already," he answered shyly.

i blushed. wow this is the first time i get invited to a date, it feels nice -- makes you feel like you're appreciated and not a complete outcast.

"sounds perfect," i smiled.

"okay, great," he mimicked my smile. "can i walk you to your next class?"

"aren't you going to be late?"

"well, yeah, but i think your safety is more important."

i playfully rolled my eyes. "what are you trying to say? that jennie might pop out of nowhere and pounce on me? she's not that vicious."

she's actually pretty adorable.

"we don't know what goes on inside jennie's head. she's very unexpected," kenzo replied casually.

"okay, if it makes you happy. why not?"

i can see the tinge of pink in his cheek and i couldn't help but bite back a big grin.

"thanks," he cooed.

"no," i shook my head and gave his firm hand a gentle squeeze. "thank you."

his smiled reached his eyes and ears. "let me help you with that," he pointed at the books that i'm currently holding.

i told him that it's fine and i can handle it myself, but he insisted. in the end, i ended up giving him my books and he escorted me to my science class. although he knew that he's going to be late for his next class, he didn't quicken his pace; it's as if he wants to be with me for longer. and i truly appreciate that.

the diary // jensooWhere stories live. Discover now