i think i just found my solace (21)

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when i awoke from my slumber, it was already morning. it was 9am to be more specific. since it was still snowing, i didn't have to adjust my eyes to the light of the sun. i almost forgot about yesterday, but the warmth of jisoo's arms wrapped around my waist reminded me of everything.

i smiled unknowingly, and my gaze naturally got glued to jisoo's sleeping face. i scooted closer to her and buried my head in the crook of her neck, getting a whiff of her scent.

she smelled like freshly picked lilacs. she reminds me of spring. you know those few days of spring when the lilacs would bloom profusely? when i was a child, i would pick lilacs and put them in vases all over our house. jisoo smelled exactly like my childhood.

her fragrance is sweet as her existence.

i love her scent. . . or maybe i just really love everything about her?

"your breath is tickling me," i heard jisoo mumble lowly. her voice was so husky that it was almost lethal.

i reluctantly pulled away, i adjusted so that i'm now facing her face to face. jisoo's eyes were barely open, but i know she's trying.

"hey," i cooed gently before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

she hummed as response and cutely rubbed her eyes to get rid of her sleepiness.

"i think i just found my solace," i stated, smiling from to ear to ear.

"where?" she mumbled back.

i found it so cute that she's trying to talk to me despite her heavy lids. with a pout, she stretched her arms and hugged me closer to her. we're so close to each other that our foreheads and noses are connected.

"here," i replied. "right here, next to you."

she smiled sheepishly and linked her lips with mine. when she pulled back from the sweet kiss, she was still smiling, but her eyes are still closed.

"why are you so sweet?" jisoo asked and attempted to rub away her sleepiness by forcefully peeking her eyes open.

"do you not like my sweetness?" i asked with a small pout.

"i love it," she replied almost instantly. "but will you minimize it? because i feel like if you keep continuing, sooner or later, i'll be burping butterflies."

"i'd actually want to see that," i mused accompanied by a soft chuckle.

"now that i think about it, i'd want to see that too."

"did you just indirectly told me that i should not stop being disgustingly sweet to you?" i asked before raising a curious brow.

"i did," she replied and flashed me a goofy smile.

"that's irrelevant. because even if you tell me to stop, i'll still do it."

"see. i told you you're persuasive sometimes. that's so jennie."

"i know right?"

we both laughed at our own lameness. even without the sun warming us and giving us the energy to go on with the day, today was still easily one of my best mornings. i had my personal sun; her name is kim jisoo.


after a few more lovie dovie moments, we both decided to have breakfast. we went down together with huge grins plastered on both our faces. if someone would be to see us right now, they would think we just won the lottery or something.

"how'd you two slept last night?" ms. kim asked the moment we stepped in the dining room.

"it was amazing," jisoo said before sitting down casually. her answer made ms. kim arch a brow.

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