love me (14)

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3rd person

if jennie would just look closer, pay more attention -- she would notice that jisoo is in love with her too. and even if jisoo is in denial about her love for jennie; love will always come through.

all of jisoo's secret glances, how she fidgets uncomfortably whenever someone gets too touchy or flirty with jennie, how she can never seem to focus whenever younger girl is around, all those things, jennie would've notice if she's not so distracted by the painful beating of her heart.

and if jisoo would just stop and really look at jennie, she would know too; she would know how jennie would do anything for her.

but these two are too busy hiding their spilled emotions, to the point where they can't notice even the most obvious things.

they're in love.

rosé knows.

lisa knows.

fuck. even kenzo knows.

and if they would just stop and really look at each other -- they would know too. because it was never hard to notice to begin with.

but it's the fear of losing what they are that's keeping them from confessing, it's the fear of rejection from someone you deeply love that's covering their burning, hot flames. but the more you cover love, the hotter it will burn; one day, one of them is going to explode into pieces because no one should ever try to tame and bottle in love.

because love is, and will always be, a genuine disaster.

and as jisoo writes on her diary, she could no longer keep her tears at bay. the dam cracked and the floodgates opened, batch and batch of tears spilled down her face.

december xx 2010

i'm in love with her.

finally. jisoo accepted the truth. and the truth stung like hell; it's as if her heart is being split in two.

she's in love with jennie.

on the other hand, jennie -- she was barely holding on -- her vision blurred by the unshed tears, she wanted to shout. she wanted to burst into oblivion.

and burst she did.

with tears tracing down her cheeks, she rammed her fist into the cemented wall; her knuckles peeled and blood dripped down her hand.

it hurts.

not the fact she just punched the wall -- being in love with jisoo hurts.

falling in love with her was a mistake. a beautiful mistake and jennie never regretted it even though it hurts more than anything she had ever felt before.

little did they know, they're both in love with each other.


a/n: such a short chapter, right? YEAH I KNOW. it was intended

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