you're not my galaxies and stars (22)

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i would tell jennie that she's my galaxies and my stars. but that's ridiculously clichéd and that description is used by individuals who lack further words to describe something or someone that's overly beautiful.

you see, for me, jennie is not just a black, plain, canvas splashed by shimmering, pale colors. she's not just an abyss of endless black and white. she's -- well, how do i say this?

jennie is someone who's impossibly too perfect; too perfect that the word "perfect" is not even fitting to describe her anymore. but that's just an exaggeration of how beautiful, breath-taking, gorgeous jennie truly is. after all, no one in this world can be perfect. everybody is flawed.

with a contented, happy sigh, i tiredly plopped down on my bed. my head is filled with jennie (as usual) and i couldn't help but grin widely. a week had passed by like a gentle breeze on the skin.

usually, time would go on pretty slow for me. but since i'm enjoying jennie's and her friend's presence, it's going by pretty quickly.

it's been two weeks since we confessed our feelings for each other. these fourteen days of my life were easily the best. but we have our drawbacks of course. we can't act all lovey-dovey in school or in any places where our schoolmates would see us.

since jennie and i have to conceal our relationship in school, she, most of the time, would show up at my house randomly with gifts that i don't really need.

can't she see that her mere presence would be more than enough? but i appreciate her effort nonetheless.

i just really appreciate everything about her.

i appreciate how her eyelashes flutter like butterfly wings whenever she blinks; how her mouth forms into a cute pout whenever she focuses hard on something; how she has the audacity to still be beautiful especially on days when everything around her is just pure catastrophe.


with a smile, i grabbed my key to unlock my drawer where my diary resides. i grabbed my diary and the pen sitting just beside it.

i haven't written an entry in a while..

december xx 2010

okay, so, i don't even know where to start.. a lot had happened, like, A LOT.

last week, jennie and i told rosé and lisa about our relationship... and i'm so confused because they weren't even shocked in the slightest! they merely grinned and engulfed both of us in a bone-crushing hug. they told us that they were so happy, and gave jennie a high-five.

turns out, rosé and lisa knew that jennie liked me all along. they even called jennie and i stupid for not confessing much sooner. ever since that day, i've been sitting with the trio for breaks and lunches.. for some reason, sitting with the most popular girls in YG high is not as nerve-wracking as it sounds. maybe it's because they never made me feel like i was an outcast. sure, i would catch some students glancing at my direction and whispering things, but i just don't care anymore.

the more days i spend with jennie and her friends, the less i care about people's unwanted opinion. the trio makes me feel happy, like, super, super happy.

i know that the four of us didn't start great, but they apologized for their mistakes. god, lisa kept apologizing for posting the video on the internet, rosé apologized too, for not stepping in whenever jennie gets too out of hand... jennie on the other hand... i can't forget this... i can't believe that she did that!

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