yes, even the most beautiful flowers cry (25)

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something isn't right. and even if jennie reassures every time i ask her if something is wrong, i know it just isn't true.

jennie had been lethargic and distant from everything lately. sometimes i catch her staring at nothing and whenever i try to get her attention it takes some effort. she doesn't smile as often, and when she does smile, her smile never reaches her eyes. jennie and i had been dating for five months and she was never late whenever she picks me up, but these past few days, she had been getting here fifteen minutes after our call time. but today was the worst -- she didn't show up. i knew she wouldn't, but i still waited.


because a part of me was foolish enough to still believe that she'd show up, answer my calls and text and actually tell me what's wrong.

"jisoo, your food is getting cold," rosé pointed out.

i looked down at my salad and glued my gaze back to lisa and rosé. "what's up with jennie lately? she didn't show up in class today and she's not answering any of my texts and calls."

"maybe she slept through her alarm clock," lisa answered with a small shrug.

"jennie isn't like that. a gentle flick is enough to wake her up," i stirred my salad, not that i was planning on taking a bite out of it.

"look," rosé started, "as much as we want to help you figure out what's happening to jennie, we're all clueless here."

"she doesn't tell you guys anything?" i arched a questioning brow.

"nope," both of them said in unison.


usually, these two would know at least something by now. thinking about jennie and how cold she had been lately, i have completely lost all my appetite for lunch.

i texted her for the last time just before the bell rang indicating that lunch is over.

to jennie:

we need to talk.


when the final bell rang, i didn't think twice about stuffing all my things inside my bag and walking out my classroom. i went to my locker and that's when i heard-


i snapped my head to the voice's direction and i immediately see lisa.

"hey, lisa," i greeted with a small, forced smile. "what's up? got any news from jennie?"

she shook her head and sighed out. "she's ignoring my texts and calls."

my shoulders slumped and i felt my stomach clench unknowingly.

"i know you're upset and you want to know what's happening to your girlfriend and we do too, but why don't we give it a rest for today and do something fun?" lisa casually wrapped her arms around my shoulder and shot me a reassuring smile.

"like what?" i replied, feeling somewhat weary.

"well, it's friday and trisha is inviting all the cool kids in school to bounce at her house," she raised a suggestive brow. "wanna crash there? rosé and i are coming."

"trisha? the cheerleader?"


i rolled my eyes and sighed. "i bet you one hundred dollars jennie wouldn't show up in that party."

lisa scoffed, also rolling her eyes in the process. "dude, stop with jennie. she's fine, maybe a little spaced out lately, but trust me, she's fine."

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