breaking point (26)

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the loud music echoed through the walls of trisha's house and although the music was good and the vibe is sort of intoxicating, i just couldn't seem to enjoy myseld and have a good time.

i couldn't stop thinking about jisoo and jennie. i mean, it's normal to be worried about your friends, right? i didn't want to meddle with their own problem, but the urge to make sure they're all right proved to be stronger.

so, i texted jennie even if i knew that she'll leave me on read and ignore the message.

to jennie:

answer my fucking calls! jisoo is worried sick about you!

with a deep sigh, i placed my phone down and slouched on the soft sofa. i scanned trisha's place where the party was being held and i instantly felt regret.

i shouldn't be here. for some reason, i felt the need to find jisoo and make sure she's okay. i don't know where the sudden urge to see her came from, i just know that jennie is not fine and it will surely affects jisoo's current state.

gosh. why do i even care about them?

it's their problem for pete's sake. . . but jisoo is-

"hey," a voice popped my bubble of thoughts. i didn't need to look at the voice's direction to know who it was, but i still shot her a short glance.

"hey, rosie," i greeted her back. "the party is kinda wack. i'm disappointed.i thought there will be some amazing booze and some hot people, but all i got are some cheap ass beers and a sloppy make out session with a graduate that's not even that hot," i ranted, rolling my eyes at the last sentence.

she plopped down next to me and sighed rather loudly. "what do i always tell you, lisa? never expect to much, it's-"

"the expections that always hurt," i finished the sentence for her.

rosé always says this, no wonder it's stuck in my head. you see, rosé had always been this type of girl, she always plans ahead of time, and for some reason, she always have an idea of the unexpected or the inevitable. i'm starting to think rosé is a fortune-teller or something.

"yeah, i got that," i said.

"then why are you wearing such a shitty frown?" she asked.

"other than this disappointing party, i'm just worried," i replied before taking a generous sip of the beer.

"worried about what?"

"i'm worried about someone," i corrected her followed by a sigh. "it's jisoo and jennie," i added.

i'm worried that they'll hurt each other and do things they don't really mean. i'm well aware that jennie hasn't been herself these past few weeks and we don't really know what's happening, but i'm hoping jisoo will hold her head high and get pass through this.

rosé hummed. "i'm worried about them too, but they'll get through it."

"how do you know that?"

"they're in love, lisa," she answered nonchalantly.


i'm just hoping that that would be enough reason for them to get through this with their hearts still in one piece.


it wasn't even midnight when rosé and i decided to leave that boring party. we got milkshakes before i dropped her off her house. i was driving in complete silence when suddenly i felt my phone vibrating inside the pocket of my tight jeans. i halted my car on the side of the road and quickly whipped my phone out.

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