took the rose, ignored the thorns (17)

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"what are you doing here?" was the first thing jisoo said the moment she got back home and saw me sitting comfortably on her sofa.

it's currently 9pm and i wonder where she went and what she did with kenzo that caused her to be back at this time of night.

i ignored the sting. i guess its part of loving someone -- you get hurt involuntarily.

i stared at her and smiled, just as i was about to reply, ms. kim peeked her head to the living room and spoke.

"hey, jisoo," she greeted her daughter with a small smile.

jisoo turned her attention to her mother. she approached her and gave ms. kim a tight hug which was reciprocated.

"hey, mom," she greeted back. "what's jennie doing here?" she tried to sound as quiet as possible. but jisoo never really mastered the art of whipsering.

i personally find it adorable that she can't whisper. it just sounds as if she's talking in her usual tone, but just a bit much softer and a little bit quieter.

"i invited her for dinner," ms. kim replied with ease, she didn't bother to speak in a hush tone like her daughter.

"huh? why?" again. she failed in whispering.

"just because i felt like it?"

i stood up and approached jisoo. i casually wrapped my arm around her shoulders and smiled brightly. "is something the matter, chu? is my presence bothering you?"

i heard ms. kim giggle softly which only made my smile wider.

"i need to prepare dinner. you two, wait here, okay?" she said and we both nodded. "oh, by the way, jennie. call me mother," she added with a smile before finally disappearing to the kitchen.

my smile bloomed into something i didn't really know. my jaw was starting to ache a little bit.

a gush of warmth coated my heart, and i couldn't help but feel as if i'm the luckiest girl for meeting jisoo's sweet, sweet mother. but my bliss was short live. i was snapped out my trance when jisoo coughed loudly.

i turned my head to her direction with the same smile i had a moment ago.

"you look good," was the first three words i said and thought when i finally had my attention glued to her.

i didn't fail to notice how her cheeks turned pink, how her pale, porcelain skin blossomed with the most beautiful colour of pink. her beauty is something that always stopped me from questioning myself why i fell in love with her.

"t-thank you," she replied with a slight stammer.

the cutest.

i peeled my arm around her shoulders, walked back to the sofa and plopped my lower body down the soft cushion.

all the words that i wanted to say to her just dispersed. i couldn't focus on anything. my lips wouldn't move the way i wanted them to. there was a glacial rush that went down my spine, fear swirled inside my stomach.

i think i wouldn't be able to suck in the pain if jisoo ever rejects me.

if she says that she's in love with someone else, i think i'll legitimately go crazy.

i think i don't want to do this anymore.

when i was finally pulled back to the real world, jisoo was already in front of me, her delicate fingers snapping to get my attention.

"nini? are you okay?"

i shook my head lightly. "y-yes, i'm fine."

"i thought i lost you for a second."

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