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I had just gotten home from middle School, Cherrington Middle to be exact. I slung my book bag down and fed my dog Aremt, he was the son of my mothers dog, Ames-she had dissapeared mysteriously years ago so they assumed her dead. Aremt though was a lay-around pit bull, he wouldn't hurt a thing. For god sakes he got scared of a fly on his nose! But I loved him, its true what they say, a dog is a mans best friend, and he was mine.
(I set the food down)
(Aremt ran to the food wolving it down in a mear two seconds) "Hungry much?" (I teased making dinner for my little sisters, my mother was sick so she stayed in bed, and my dad was constantly going on business trips)
"Hmm...pork, ribs-what meat should I pick?"
(Aremt poked his ears up)
"No, you already ate, plus you got a huge bone right there,..." 'I spoil him so much, haha' (I pointed to a one foot bone next to his head)
(Arempt looked at it for a second then pushed it away rolling on his back)
*sigh* (I rubbed his belly) "Never enough, huh, huh?" (I played-I got up and got dressed in some knee-shorts, they were bleached, but they were the kind you bought for $20, but looked like $70, and a faded red T-shirt, I put a apron on and got four out for the quaddrooplets, I yelled just enough for them to hear) "Come help me coook"
(Ella hollered back) "No! We're having a princess tea-party!"
(I rolled my eyes) ' I'll have to bribe her again..' "It's princess caa~aaake"
*Four little squeals* "Yaaaaaay!!" (They all came running in with skirts and long-sleeved shirts)
"No, go change! We're cooking, not having a dress-up competition"
(Ella, Emma, Casey, and Nancy throw on the aprons) "Done" (Emma said proudly)
"Yep!" (Nancy said nodding her head)
"That's not changing into something decent, but alright" (I rolled my eyes)
"Where's the batterrrr?" (Ella looked trying to see what was on the counter)
"Nothing" (I said unfazed pulling out ribs and Velveeta shells and cheese-smiled) "There's no princess cake, sorry, but I had to get you to come and cook"
(Three sisters) "Awwwwwwww, whyyyyyyy?" (Complaining)
(Nancy just shrugged not really seeming to care)
"Because you have more energy than I do"
(Gawk) "What?! Na-uh" (They protested)
"Just come on, it'll take a hour at the most" (The ribs were thawed out)
'Stop complaining' (I thought to myself pulling out a pan)
(Two hours later)
"Done" (I looked at the oven timer) 'Already? How is it already six'oclock?!' (I looked calmly) "All of you-showers, now."
(Ella, Casey, Emma, and Nancy ran to the bathroom) "Yaaay! Bath tiime!" (They squealed happily)

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