It's you?!

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(I hadn't been listening to Zeus at all) 'It's...her, but,'
(Zaymie smiled happily sitting in the seat right next to me) "Hi Ethan!" (She looked at me)
(I looked at Zaymie surprised) "Uhhmmm-hi!..." (I kept staring)
"Zaymie?" (She smiled)
"Uh-y-yeah, Zaymie.., so! You need help?" 'I actually need help in this..'
"No.." (She glanced back at the paper)
"Actually you do" (She grinned)
(My face flushed) "W-wha-t?"
"You have all your questions wrong" (She laughed)
(She pointed)
(I wasnt suprised that all the other guys were staring at us too) 'Shit!'
(Zakery pushed in) "Hey, I'm having problems with this too, could you help?" (He snagged a grin)
(I glared back) 'That @$$hole!' (I started resolving my problems) 'I hate math so f*cking much!'

(I smiled and looked directly at Zackery) "Well, I guess its lunch time, now isn't it?" (I walk to the cafeteria)
(I turn around)
"Hey Ethan,...can I sit with you and your friends? I don't really feel too comfortable with the other girls,..."
"And why would you want to hang out with one of the worst reputationists in school?"
"'re the only one in school I feel comfortable they keep trying to braid my hair and entarogating me." *Huffs*
"I guess so,.."
"Thank you!"
"Umm,..your welcome?" (I walk to the lunch line) "Hungry?"
"Oh! Yeah,.." (Stands right next to me waiting in line)
*At the lunch table**

(I kept staring at Zaymie) 'Ve has the same sparkle in her eyes, her hair isn't the same color as it was, but its still beautiful-god! What about her isn't perfect?"
(Zaymie hugs some soda wiping her mouth with a napkin) *Buurrrp!*

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