5. The End of A Friendship

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I stayed home the day I finally let my feelings out to Ashley. We decided since the past was in the past we should catch up on each other . I basically told her everything. When I say everything I mean everything, From grandmother, to the twins, to Harmony, and to Larry. It felt good to have someone who you could to. I'm happy I made up with my sister because honestly I don't know what I would do without her.

Wednesday Morning, Ashley drove me to school. This time the ride wasnt as quiet. We talked & laughed. When I finally got to school, I went to the cafeteria. Before I could even sit down the twins approached me.

"Hey girls. " I Said

"Oh now you have time to speak " Lala said.

"It probably because her friend Larry isnt around " Mari replied.

Please don't tell me this is happening. This is exactly what I didnt want to happen. "I'm sorry. Look I know I haven't spent alot of time with you guys since Larry has been here but that doesn't mean I love you guys any less. " I said.

"We thought you were better than that. You basically used us until your little friend Larry came back." Lala Said.

"Thats not true and you know it. " I protested.

"Look, how about you go hang with your friend Larry since you obviously like him more than you like us " Mari said.

"That's not true. " I said.

"Please! " they both said at the same time and with that they walked away.

I can't believe what just happened. I thought they were supposed to be my friend. I've been nothing but good to them...... Or have I ? Well I did blow them about 5 times this week to go hang out with Larry. And I did push them to the side abd maybe Gave Larry all my attention but.... Oh noo. This is all my fault. What have I done?

Throughout class I couldn't help think about the twins. They were so good to me so how could I treat them like that? I tried to make eye contact with one of them but they wouldn't even look at me. I was pretty hurt. I decided to just write them a "Apology" Card and that's what I did. I sneakingly slid it over to the so that Mr. Bald wouldn't see. Lala looked at it so it was from me and threw it away without even looking at it.

Okay I know I hurt them but the least she could of did was read he freaking card. Number one, I don't like apologizing so if I do then I must really care about you but if you dont except I will not chase you around like a chicken with no head so they don't have to accept my apology because at this point I don't care.

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