6. Problems

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Why does it feel like as soon as I leave one problem in my life another one occurs?

The next two days went by without new saying anything to the twins. I'm got to admit I really do miss them. They were like sisters to me and now its like they have abandoned me like Ashley did 7 months ago. I never took them as the jealous type but I guess I was wrong.

"Larry " I called from the far side of the cafeteria. He spotted me and we sat down and got lunch together.

"So did I tell you about Harmony? "


"Apparently she thinks she knows a deep dark secret about me but I have no clue what it could be and its starting to worry me."

"Oh Whatever. She know nothing. She probably just trying to get under your skin."

"Yeah your right." On the outside I couldn't help but agree with Larry but on the inside I was still a little concerned. After all she does have her ways of finding out things.

"I guess I should be making my way Mr.Bald's class. " I told Larry and with that I got up to leave. As usual we were working our report when I came in. I wrote down some ideas for it and Harmony wrote down hers. It was the last 10 minutes of class when I asked to use the bathroom. I did my lady thing and when I came back everyone was already gone. The only thing I saw was a note on my desk that read:

"Me. You. Janitor's closet. 5 minutes.


I looked down at my watch and it read 9:25. That gave me to 9:30. I questioned going to the janitor's closet but I decided what's the worst that could happen, so I made a decision to go.

I made my way down the hallway until I found the room that read janitor's closet. I slowly twisted the knob. I was pretty nervous about going in there. I had never even recognized we had a janitor's closet before. When I finally opened the door I saw another note on the back of the closet door that read:

" I know what you did to your parents and if you don't start playing by my rules the whole world with know too.

-Unknown "

At this point I was a little crept out. Then I remembered Harmony telling me she knew my secret and now I finally know exactly what she was talking about. But How? How did she know what I did. No one knows. I've never told anyone so how could she know?

I was lost for words. What I did to my parents were a accident. I never meant for them to die in that car accident. I didn't know it was going to happen.

The next 2 periods flew by very slowy. Seconds seemed like hours and minutes seem like days. It was finally lunch time. I spotted Harmony in the lunch line. I grabbed her arm and tugged her into she girls bathroom. I locked the door.

"I take it you received my notes. " She smirked.

"How do you know? "

"I know eveything. The question is why? Why did you take your poor parents life?"

I Immediately broke down.

*Flash Back*

"Dad taking a few pills isnt going to hurt anyone." I suggested. My father has been having trouble sleeping for a 2 months now.

"I refuse to take any pills. I can handle it without medication. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go get ready for my dinner date with your mother. And oh yeah could you fix me some of that delicious lemonade you make" He asked.

"Fine " He went upstairs to go get dressed and I began making the lemonade. I grabbed sugar, the lemonade mixture, Ice and water. I began making my famous lemonade. I turned my head to see the sleeping pills sitting on the counter. I crushed about 5 pills and stirred it in with the lemonade.

I never knew my father would fall asleep behind the wheel of his car while driving my mother to their dinner date. I only had his best interest at heart. To be honest I didn't think the pills would even work. But they were stronger than I thought.


I woke up in the school's nurses office. I guess after my breakdown in the school bathroom and must have blackout. I turned around to see Ashley sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"Finally. Your up." She said.

I think it was time I told Ashley Why father actually fell asleep behind the wheel. She never actually found out the truth and since Harmony was about to expose it to the whole school other was best of she heard other by me. I was still confused as to how Harmomy knew.

"I have to tell you something. But you have to promise that you won't be mad. "

"Of Course I won't "

I exhaled and began telling her the whole story.

"I already knew. The autopsy showed he had sleeping medocation in his system and I knew you were the only one who had them. I decided that you would open up to me about it when you were ready. "

"So you aren't mad?"

"Of course not. I mean I am very sad that our parents died." A tear began to form at here eye "But I knew you were only trying to help so there was no need of me being mad "

I sat up and hugged Ashley. "I'm sorry " I cried.


The next morning of school and I could already tell everyone knew what I had did. I guess Harmony had told every one. I walked in the cafeteria and sat down by myself. Two familiar faces sat down next to me. The twins.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be mad at me? " I asked.

"Look we heard what happened and no matter what we go through we will always be here for you. So yeah we are still mad at you but sisters fuss and fight but it doesn't matter because were always here. " Lala said.

I couldn't help but smile. Tears began forming at my eyes. "Thank you " I said

"Any time " They said in sync.

It felt so good to know that they had my back.

The more I thought about what Harmony did to me the angrier I got. I saw Harmony walk into the cafeteria. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. She walked over to the table the twins and I were at. Before she could even say anything I pounced on her. I couldn't controll myself. I grabbed her head a slugged it into the table. Lala and Mari pulled me off of her. I stromed out of the cafeteria and headed into the girls bathroom. I found a empty stoll and began to cry. I didn't know what else to do. My life was turning into a living hell.

My parents dying is a part if my life I always wanted to forget. I didn't want to forget them but I wanted to forget what I did to them and Harmony bringing it back up just opened a womb that was trying to heal.

I heard the girls bathroom door open. "Cassie I know you in here " I heard Lala voice say

She pushed open the bathroom stoll was I was in the corner balledwup crying. "Look I know how you feel being that the whole school knows what happened to your parents but sitting in the corner crying is not going to solve anything. " She said

"Your Right but I just don't know what to do. The whole school is going to look at me differently now. "

"Who cares what the whole school thinks. C'mon Cassie your better than this. Mari and I are going to take care of Harmony. No worries , I promise "

"Thanks but this is my battle and I'm going to fight it " I said getting up and going over to the sino to get a napkin to dry my tears.

I loved Lala like she was a big sister. Of course the twins and I had our fights but she was always there for me. I loved them like she was my big sister. I pushed the thoughts about Harmony and my parents to the back of my head and walked out of the bathroom.

The rest of the day flew by farely quickly. People still gave me glares, mean looks and sometimes sad looks but I didn't let it bother me. I know what happened to my parents was a accident so im just going to let people think what they want.

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