3. The Right Time

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The car ride to Ashley's house was a pretty silent one. She occasionally tried to apologize to me for stranding me but I cut her off and said this isn't the time. I has so many questions I wanted to ask her but it didn't seem like the right time for them to be asked so I just kept my mouth closed.

We had finally made it to Ashley's house. It was a comfortable 1 bedroom. I think it was safe to say that Ashley had found a job and was doing pretty good by herself. I was pretty upset at that. Since she was doing so good why hadn't she come back for me? That question lingered in the back of my brain. She showed me where I would be staying and I basically slept the whole weekend out. I avoided her for the time that I was up. I guess I just wasn't ready to confront her about the whole situation.

When Monday came I got ready for school just like I would do if I were at my grandmothers house. Ashley agreed to drive me to school. When I got there I spotted Lala & Mari. Immediately I hugged them. I squeezed them so tight. To me, they were family and I wanted them to know that. God, I messed them so much .

"I. Can't. Breathe. " Mari gasped.

I quickly loosened my grip. "Im sorry. I just missed you guys so much. "

"Umm Cassie its been to days " Lala pointed out."

"I know but it feels Like forever. "

We walked to the cafeteria, got breakfast, and gossiped as always. I didn't tell Lala or Mari about what was going on with me at home simply because ....... Umm well I don't know. I guess I just don't feel the time is right.

I made my way through the busy hallway to Mr. Bald's class. I walked in to see Harmony sitting at the desk next to mine. At that moment I remembered all about the report we had to do. I guess with so much going on at home I just totally about my school life. I still wasn't too excited about working with Harmony but the whole Ashley situation made me realized that you never know who you might need so I agreed to work with Harmony. By work with her I didnt mean be friendly or anything, I strictly meant on a school work level.

I got to class late so when I came in the class was already working on the report. As soon as I sat down Harmony spoke "Hey "

I gaved her a fake smile and a small hand wave.

"OK. I know you don't like me. And that's ok because I don't like you either but we still have to work together in order to get a good grade soo-"

I cut her off "Good point. We do need to work together so how about less talk, more work."

"No need for the attitude. Look you may fight better than me but I know one of your deepest darkest secrets that will end you if exposed so how about you stay on my good side."

Before I could respond the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and walked out. I wasn't really worried about what Harmony had said. I know she has connects and all but I don't even have secrets. I don't have anything to hide so she basically has nothing to use against me..... Or does she?

The next 2 classes came and gone. It was lunch so I met up with my girls of course. We were talking and laughing as usual when the boy that I instantly recognized walked up.

"Oh my god " was the only words I could mutter out. Okay so did I mention before I transferred I had a G.B.F (Gay Best Friend ) Larry and here he was.

"Yep. Its me. " He looked the exact same as I remembered. U got up and hugged him. "What are you doing here "

"Well my dad transferred jobs so my mother forced me to move down here and this was only school with a death rate lower than 20 a school year so I had to take what I could get. "

"I have so much to tell you but first let me introduce you to my friends Lala & Mari. I introduced the 3. Immediately the twins & Larry clashed.

"I need to go shopping " Larry said.

"Me too! "

"How about we go tonight? You need to fill me in on all I have missed and that would be a great time to do it." Larry said

"OK. Then its settled. "

"I thought we were going to the movies tonight" Lala said.

"Umm Sorry , Rain Check?"

"Yeah Sure I guess " Lala said.

I could tell she was kinda of upset about me blowing her off but U haven't seen like in forever. I hope she understands.

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