Chapter 9: Lights & Interuptions

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Hey all thanks for the continued support. Just letting you all know I'm currently writing without a Beta reader so all your critiques are very welcome 



Kristoff sat surrounded by his Beta, head Soldier along with a few senior soldiers, head Omega, and a group of respected elders, all of whom were trusted seniors of the pack. Their discussions centered around pack business and an upcoming shifter meeting that he would have to attend in two week's time. He had long lost interest in the conversation as thoughts of his Freya filtered back. Freya such a beautiful name it suited her in every way. The soft touch of her mouth pressed to his, the sweetness of it. The caress of her hair sliding across his upper arm as she moved to get up, the feel of her body pressed to his side, every moment was filled with a contentedness the likes he and his wolf had never experienced.
She was a witch, a warrior, a protector. His pride in having such a mate was... "Alpha?" Looking up Kristoff saw every single pair of eye's zeroed in on him.
"Yes?" he asked back. Cal along with the soldiers looked highly amused, the elders looked exasperated, while his head Omega looked joyful. It would seem she had picked up on his emotional state. "Are we done Alpha?" Cal asked amusement coating every syllable. Standing he nodded, thanking them all for coming. They all left a little too slowly for his liking, each stopping to 'chat'. His impatience to get back to his mate – Freya, what a perfect name – was grating against his skin and everyone seemed to know, or at least they knew about his discomfort and they seemed to be delighting in it.
When his Omega left she leaned in and whispered "I'm so happy for you" the soft smile she gave eased his aggravation... slightly.
With a final laugh from Cal as Kristoff all but ran out of the room they used for the meeting, he made it back to the pack house, the silent almost dark pack house.
It warmed his heart seeing the few lights she had left on for him.
Kristoff had been hoping to spend some time with Freya while the children were asleep. Some very adult time. He sighed moving up the stairs, patience he needed patience.
Just because she had decided to share his space and make it their own, did not mean she was ready for a claiming. His wolf, on the other hand, was very ready, his body hardened at the thought of sinking into her, loving her for the first time.
Kristoff went to Jacobs room first. Seeing the boy sprawled, blankets tossed onto the floor made his mouth quirk up. He went in and tugged the comforter back into place.

Kristoff made his way to Tillie's room, she was snuggled in, cuddling her white lion. He saw the black wolf and quickly switched the two so she was now cuddling the wolf while the lion sat behind her. He left satisfied, moving to his own room.

Kristoff reached for the doorknob, pausing, his hand was shaking. Curling his hand into a fist he took a deep breath releasing it slowly. He rolled his shoulders back, turned the knob and stepped in.
She had left a bedside light on for him.
Freya was laying on her side, knees slightly curved up, hands up by her head. Kristoff's chest tightened at the sight.
Warmth spread through him, an unknown, but wholly welcome feeling rushed through his body settling in deep.
Home, that was the feeling. She was his home, a place to belong.
He moved with the silence that came so naturally to shifters, not wanting to wake her. Taking care of business in the bathroom Kristoff discarded his clothes and pulled up a pair of sleep pants. He normally slept nude but didn't want to scandalize his sweet little mate. The thought of her finding him naked next to her, eyes wide with shock, made him chuckle.
He slid under the covers, took a moment of deliberation then slid up behind her, one arm stretched around her middle pulling her body into him, his chest now pressed against her back. She sighed, wiggling her body deeper into his own, she didn't wake at all. His cock was now pressed to the crevice of her enticing little ass. He was wide awake.
It was going to take him a long, long, long time to relax and find sleep.



Freya had tried so hard to wait for Kristoff toreturn. After tucking the kids in, she had gone back down to tidy the mess theyhad left in the kitchen. With nothing left to do she made her way back to theirroom taken a long hot shower and let the water rain down on her as the tearscame.
That day had opened wounds that Freya had tried to keep closed. The safety shehad felt with Kristoff's arms wrapped around her was like nothing she had everhad. The warmth of his lips against her own had sent a shiver down her bodyleaving goose bumps in its wake.
Sliding under the covers dressed in only a long tank and panties Freya hadevery intention to stay awake, she did lean over to flick the switch on for thelamp, that was placed on one of the bedside tables. There was something aboutleaving a light on for him that made her smile. She had also left one of theoutside lights on along with the stairway light.
His scent surrounded her. The soft cotton sheetsand feather comforter encased her. She was so comfortable. Freya's eyes feltheavy, she was emotionally drained. She drifted into a deep sleep.
The soft glow of morning sun bathed Freya's body forcing her to wakefulness.She felt a profound sense of contentedness. Knowing it was due to the wolf currently wrapped around her she basked in he warmth. Kristoff's hardness pressed in. She could feel his very hard, very long thick erection against her butt, making her core clench in anticipation. The wetness between her legs becoming more obvious. A tongue licked out, across the skin where her neck met her back.
Freya felt him inhale deeply, followed by a long low rumble. Kristoff's hand that had been splayed across her abdomen moved down to her thigh, fingertips hitting skin. His hand made a path slowly up to her hip and squeezed. All the while he was planting gentle kisses up her back, occasionally licking and nipping at her sensitive flesh. His hand squeezed again but this time he pulled. She turned her body the way he intended, his arms wrapping around her as her body moved. The hand beneath her moved up to cup the  back of her neck, his fingers sliding up into her hair. Freya felt him tug on her hair, looking up into Kristoff's hooded gaze as she realized she had been staring at his bare chest while concentrating on the feeling of his hand's ministrations. His head bent to hers and their mouths joined. She opened for him. When their tongues met Freya couldn't hold back her moan at the taste of him.
She was surrounded, his scent, his warmth, his taste was all around her. Lust took control of her body. Freya pressed in as close as she could, her own hands were on Kristoff's abdomen sliding up to his pectorals, feeling every hard ridge of the sculpted perfection of his torso. He deepened the kiss his hand sliding to her behind squeezing. Her body was plastered to his. He rolled to his back using the grip he had on her behind to keep her in place, the kiss never stopped. Freya felt that very hard erection cradled between her thighs,she gave a roll of her hips the friction created was pure ecstasy.
Her aura reached out to merge with his, Freya's witches spirit called for The Entwining, a witches claiming.
"Wakey, wakey sleepy heads!" bang, bang, bang "The suns awake, so I'm awake"she sang her voice fading down the hall no doubt heading to her brother's room to make sure he too was awake.
Freya's eyes opened her lips still pressed against Kristoff's he looked so unhappy she couldn't help but giggle. Sitting up the motion caused her to rub against him eliciting a groan from the man beneath her. His hands came up to her hips as he breathed in deeply. She couldn't help but bend back down and give him one last kiss before jumping off him.
"Freya" he growled she laughed as she ran into the walk-in closet they now shared and grabbed a pair of yoga pants if she knew Tillie the girl would be back soon. Another succession of knocks accompanied by "Wakey, wakey" proceeded by another huff from the wolf still sprawled on the bed where she had left him. As he pulled the covers back over himself she opened the door to an excited "Morning".


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