Chapter 11: Parties and Babysitting

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Hey all, I'm so sorry for the late update. I have no excuse.  

Thank you for sticking with me!



Freya woke tucked close to Kristoff. The night's festivities had gone well into the wee hours of the morning. Food and drinks had flowed. She hadn't imbibed last night. Instead, Freya reassured the pack that she would take care of the pups. It was rare for her to drink alcohol when her coven wasn't around because a drunk witch was a dangerous witch.
Moving carefully from Kristoff's hold, Freya went to the bathroom and showered, readying herself for the day.
Placing a soft kiss on first his forehead, then his lips, she left their room.
Reaching the kitchen she found that cooking was in full swing and all the children were up and having breakfast, including Tillie and Jacob. She received greetings from all the pups. The night before she had challenged the pups, asking them to make forts in one of the bigger rooms upstairs. A room that had a contractible wall so it could be one or two. The fort challenge had been boys versus girls.
Freya had been pleasantly surprised when she went into each room. The pride at her exclamations had been shinning in their eyes. They all decided to watch a movie. The boys had wanted to watch Transformers, while the girls had all wanted to watch Tangled. Before a movie war could break out Freya told them she would close the wall and they could each watch their preferred movies while lying in the forts they had made. She had gone to check on them several times but each one had eventually fallen asleep. She noticed on her last check Jacob had moved into the girl's room and was laying next to his sister. He had tucked Tillie in, so her body was in between him and a wall. The sight made her heart melt.
A male who had introduced himself to her the night before, as the pack house chef stood by the stove. Turning he beamed at her "Good morning Luna" she smiled "Morning" she replied. "Please sit down, I'll bring you a plate. Do you want pancakes or bacon and eggs? Or both?" Used to this kind of life since packs and covens were very similar in the way that everyone had responsibilities.
She sat at the table "Pancakes please." A plate was placed in front of her within seconds.
The children were all chatting amongst themselves. Tillie was engaged in telling yet another story of a knight who was brave and loyal to another little who looked transfixed at what she was hearing. Jacob was sitting next to his sister talking to one of the slightly older boys who must have been around thirteen.
Freya was glad, she had hoped the two would be able to feel comfortable within the pack and bond with the other children. She thought it may take some time, but they seemed to be already forging bonds.
The night's festivities had been more fun than she could handle. It had bought back memories of the many similar nights she had spent with her coven. With her emotions running wild Freya had known she needed distance, so she had chosen to look after all the children, guiding them all to the pack house. Freya had popped out to the gathering every now and again meeting the pack, engaging in conversations and enjoying the laughter around her.
The ache of her dispersed coven was a constant pulse hidden in the depths of her heart lingered.
Freya hadn't been so blind as not to miss the glares from a small group of females that had stayed to the side. She also had a feeling as to why she was the receiver of those glares. She chose to ignore them. Even when one of the females made her way to Kristoff her hips swaying provocatively.
Freya knew like her, he too had a past, she smiled then turned away, trusting him completely.
She could see the efforts the she-wolf was making throughout the night. Though Freya felt possessive of Kristoff she felt no threat to her mate, herself or the children so she continued to ignore the woman's attempts. Freya couldn't figure what the female was trying to achieve. Until she realized that everyone assumed she was human and as a human, she wouldn't understand the bonds of mates. That realization happened when the young healer of the pack introduced herself. "I'm Lucy the pack doctor" Freya felt her brows draw down at the word Doctor? She could feel the energy of a healer from the young woman. She could see the aura of a healer. Without thinking, Freya blurted "You're not a healer?" Lucy's breath drew in quickly, eye's rounding slightly. Her shock obvious to Freya perhaps it was her word choice?
She knew then that she had made a mistake. Humans wouldn't know to use the word healer, would they? Quiet moments passed before Lucy spoke. "I can't access my healers abilities" a slight pause as Lucy looked away her cheeks flushing, "I'm... I can't..."
Sensing the young woman's distress Freya reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. She waited until Lucy's gaze met her own. Freya thought through her words before she spoke "We all struggle with life's obstacles, some external some internal, but as long as we never give up we will succeed. You, my dear sweet healer also have the advantage of pack. Trust in that strength and your own" Releasing her shoulder Freya waited.
"My Alpha is lucky to have found you as a mate. I came over because well... I wanted to reassure you that what she" Lucy indicated the she-wolf that had been parading around Kristoff all night "is trying to cause trouble between you and Alpha Kristoff" Lucy let out a little growl her wolf clearly not happy "Alpha humiliated her once badly, she's just trying to cause him trouble" Freya laughed she couldn't help it. The petty actions were so childish. "That female has no idea how ridiculous her actions are to me. I'm his mate, his fidelity is absolute, my trust in him is irrevocable" Lucy's eyes were shinning her happiness radiant. "I'm glad you are my Luna" Freya basked in the veracity of the statement. It quelled the pain deep within her chest, slightly.
Parents coming to check on their pups pouring into the room bought her back to the present.


Kristoff woke to an empty bed. He groaned. Last night had turned into a pack party he had no control over. He knew they all meant well, but he had wanted to spend the night trying to woo his mate into their bed for more than just sleeping.
Instead, Freya had been stuck babysitting and he, well he, was stuck socializing and trying to fend off Felicity's advances.
He had broken off his relationship with her years ago, knowing in his heart that he was no longer happy being with a woman who was not his mate. His wolf had agreed wholeheartedly, neither of them being adolescent-minded about sexual hunger. While sex was natural for shifters, it was unheard of for an Alpha to commit to anyone but their mate. Some shifters were bonded pairs, even so, such couplings were rare. Kristoff himself only knew one such couple. They had described their bonding as an almost accident. They had been childhood friends, and as they grew older attraction had formed. Eventually, one thing had led to another and they had bonded.
Kristoff knew there was more to the story, but the Goddess worked in mysterious ways and he knew the couple was happy.
His thoughts moved back to the problem at hand, Felicity. He had never viewed their arrangement as anything more than a mutual agreement between two shifters. Not once had he ever thought that the she-wolf would expect more. He was a born Alpha, which meant that he would not commit to any but his mate. All his past lovers had known and understood. All but Felicity.
A week after ending their arrangement he had overheard her talking to a few of the other pack females he had almost lost his shit. Hearing the bullshit that had been coming out of her mouth. Telling them that she would be their Luna and how he had forsaken his mate and promised himself to her. Kristoff had almost lost control of his wolf. Not wanting to do something he would regret later, he had left. Letting his wolf out to run wild.
Hours later Kristoff had tracked Felicity down, finding her just outside the pack house. His anger still a burning flame, radiated around him. His pack was gathering around him. They could feel his rage and were on hyper alert thinking a threat was imminent.
He stalked closer to her, her face blanched when she realized she was his target. He stopped in front of her letting the growl that had been building in his chest seep out. It was one of warning from not only the man but the wolf too.
Kristoff made sure not to yell, each word he spoke reverberated with the rage that had built.
"I ended things with you a week ago Felicity. Let it be known that no one and I mean no one will ever treat you as Luna as long as I. Am. Alpha. I would never forsake my mate! I would never promise myself to another!."
His words carried so that everyone who was around heard him. He watched as Felicity's body curled in on itself at the dominant vibes he hadn't bothered to control.
After that incident five years ago, Kristoff had decided not to take another lover. Not until he found his mate. Felicity had kept trying to seduce him, he had ignored her advances. Last night she tried again and it pissed him off. He knew he had to be careful if he acted on his mate's behalf the pack may see her as weak and his Freya was not weak. Last night he saw her eyes narrow as she watched Felicity's approach then she smiled wide and turned her back obviously deeming the female as no threat and that pleased him to no end. Knowing that she trusted him was... there were no words. A few packmates had noticed Freya's dismissal of the brazen actions and all grinned or nodded in approval of her trust in their Alpha.
The lack of touch through the years hadn't bothered him that much, what did bother him was not being able to find her.
Now he had, and it would seem she had left the bedroom without him.
Kristoff made his way to the kitchen where he heard a chorus of children laughing and chattering excitedly. His breath caught at the sight of her surrounded by pack. Some of the parents had come probably to check on their children but were all now sitting with plates of food. Freya was listening to one of the more submissive wolves in their pack who apparently had no problem speaking with Freya. Her gaze had flicked up to acknowledge his presence but Freya kept her attention on Eve probably sensing that the woman would retreat.
Though submissive wolves were in no way fighters and bowed down quickly in battle, didn't make them any less important to him or the dynamics of the pack.
They contributed just as much as any of the dominants. It normally took time to gain a submissive wolfs trust. It would seem his mate had already done so, and he was proud. He saw the grateful expression in Eve's mate's eyes as he watched his new Luna charm the submissive.


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