Chapter 13: Pounding Emotions

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Freya spoke to Cal "Can the children join the others in the play area?" She knew the man would tell her the truth. He would let her know if they were unsafe. His nod lit up her heart.
"The pups play area is in the deepest part of the territory, there is always adult supervision and soldiers patrol the perimeter" a startled laugh escaped her mouth, all her fretting about the safety of the children was clearly unnecessary.
"So, they're all safe" it was meant as a statement, but he answered it as a question anyway. "There is nothing more important to the pack than the safety of our young."
Still smiling she called out for Tillie and Jacob. They were ecstatic at the news of being able to join their new friends for play. Leaving in a flurry of joy and excitement, along with an escort of two soldiers who had been assigned as bodyguards for the day.
"What are your plans for the day?" Cal asked as he watched her put her boots on. "I'm going to the infirmary" Standing she made her way to the door. "I want to visit with Lucy, we chatted last night and I'd like to see if I can help her."
Freya noticed Cal was no longer beside her. Looking over her shoulder she saw he had stopped, his face looking pained. Running back to him she scanned his body "Are you alright?" she couldn't see a physical injury. Reaching out with her power she could feel a tumult of emotions exuding from the male. Pain, guilt, longing, shame, joy, regret. Each emotion was intense, so much so she couldn't identify a reason as to why Cal was feeling the way he was.
They entered the infirmary ten minutes later, Cal having reassured he was fine. She didn't believe him. His back was ramrod straight, his hands clenching and unclenching over and over. Curiosity was coursing through her, alongside equal amounts of concern.
This man was Kristoff's Beta and an integral part of the pack. Freya would have to remember to talk to Kristoff about it later. She herself would probe Cal, but they were still getting to know one another.
Spotting Lucy down a long corridor Freya went to call out but froze at the growl that rumbled behind her. It was a low and lethal sound and carried all the way to the end where Lucy had been standing, her hand resting on another males bicep.
The smile that had been spread across her face was now gone, the spark of joy disintegrated, grief a stark burden overtaking the young healer in seconds.
The betrayal and grief permeating down the corridor were suffocating to Freya's senses.
Trying her best to block the surrounding emotions, Freya stepped into Lucy's line of sight trying to block Cal and it worked.
Jerking slightly Lucy turned to speak to the man her hand moving up and down in a comforting way. The man nodded then went back into the room the two had been standing in front of. The tension in the air was palpable as Freya stood with the two wolves. Cal's concentration was focused on Lucy who ignored him looking only at Freya.
"Luna I'm happy to see you" Freya knew Lucy was happy she also knew that Cal's presence was agitating the other woman. Freya had a very good idea what was going on and she didn't want to cause either Cal or Lucy harm. Their emotional states were whipping at her. The connection she had to them a lot stronger than it should be, the only explanation was her burgeoning bond with Kristoff.
"Lucy we need to speak. Is there somewhere we can in private?" Lucy nodded and led them to an office following her in Freya stopped and turned looking at the Cal who's eyes' were still on Lucy.
"Cal can you wait out here please this conversation needs to be extremely private" he looked furious but moved to lean against the opposite wall.
Closing the door on his scowl Lucy sighed a heavy relieved breath. "What can I help you with Luna?"
Freya turned and sat down on the comfortable sofa and indicated for Lucy to join her.
"I don't need your help Lucy, but I think you need mine" the young woman just sat in silence, waiting.
"Lucy what I'm about to tell you can't leave this room. The only ones who know are myself, Kristoff and the children" Eye's going wide, her throat working Lucy spoke "I would never speak your secrets Luna not even to the Alpha" a small pause then she continued "unless you were endangered then I would" Smiling Freya reached out and hugged the young healer.
Freya couldn't help but treat her just like a young one from her own coven. She had felt an instant connection with Lucy from the moment they had met.
"I'm not human, I'm a witch"
Freya told her story as Lucy sat in what seemed like stunned silence.
"I can help you recover your powers, I can sense the block, it feels almost like a curse" Freya stopped at the touch to her knee looking up she caught the sad gaze. "My powers in a sense are blocked by a curse, I can't access them unless accepted by my mate, he doesn't want me" Freya went to object but Lucy kept speaking "Even if he did come back to me I don't think I or my wolf could accept him he hurt us too much for too long" Freya swallowed the lump in her throat, "Well if that's the case I can still help to release that block" Lucy's head flew up "You can?" Freya smiled "I can."


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