Chapter 4: Small steps

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Sorry it's a few days late every time i went to publish this chapter i found myself not liking it but here you go :)

Enjoy :)



After a restless few hours of sleep, Freya lay on her back staring up at the ceiling. She had to think. The Alpha, Kristoff, was her mate. She had heard rumors of his strength long before she set foot in his territory. Hell, the stories of him were part of the reason she had come here thinking it would help with protection. Hoping that his reputation kept most supernatural beings away.

Her hunch had been right.
Over the last two months, the only supernaturals she had encountered were shifters. It had been the longest they had stayed in one place. Freya had begun to feel comfortable here, the lands here called to her senses – lulling her.
Tillie yawned eyelashes fluttering, her small arm moved from Freya's belly, lifting up her fingers reaching out to push one side of Freya's mouth up forcing her lips to curve into a half smile. The young girls' actions making giggles escape from both their mouths.
Jacob woke up stretching his arms up above his head looking over at them with his own sleepy smile "What's funny?" he asked on a yawn "Your sister was forcing me to smile again" his smile broadened.
Seeing it reminded Freya of his father, it made her heart ache a little. Not wanting to show sadness she got up and tickled Tillie. She started giggling uncontrollably "let me help" Jacob whisper yelled joining in and whispering "tickle monster" over and over again.
The fun almost made her forget where they were, then a knock disrupting the joy they had found in those early morning hours.
Getting up she went to the door, turning the lock, cautiously opening it. There Kristoff stood looking showered, fresh and as ruggedly handsome as the first time she had seen him. Stepping out and closing the door Freya waited.
"My men found these and bought them here last night" turning in the direction his hand had gestured, she saw the four large suitcases she had packed the night before. Staring at them for a few seconds too long - the inexplicable feeling of betrayal and fury still clawing - she finally managed a reply "Thank you".
He heaved out a sigh then said "We need to talk, but first get yourself and the children ready. Come downstairs at the bottom turn left, walk to the end and that'll lead to the kitchen I'll meet you there" nodding Freya did as he said.
While the kids were going about their morning routine sharing the bathroom, she went to grab the suitcases. Only to find them already in the room she smiled involuntarily, apparently, Kristoff was attempting chivalry. This situation was hard for Freya. She knew why he had come and taken he. She also knew what a precious gift it was for any witch to find a true mate.
Pulling on a dark red wine tank top and denim cut off shorts that went to about an inch above her knees, herself and the children ready just under half an hour. None of them wearing shoes - Witches loved to feel as close to nature as possible, there was no better feeling than letting the grass hug your feet or letting your toes sink into sand it was magical, an anchor for their senses, a physical connection to nature. They made it down to the kitchen, Kristoff turned he looked shocked to see them. "Ah I was planning on making breakfast but I didn't expect you to be so fast" he was looking down at his phone then back up.
Freya walked over and caught a glimpse of a pancake recipe on the screen, smirking brows raised in humor. Was he... blushing?
Turning to the kids she asked in a sing-song voice "who wants pancakes?".
They bounced with happiness. Moving around the huge stunning dream of a kitchen, opening and closing cupboards she found everything needed.
Tillie and Jacob used to helping, sat at the island ready for their tasks. Giving Jacob the flour to measure into a bowl and the eggs for Tillie to crack into a separate smaller bowl. Though young she was really good at the task.
Once everything was ready to be mixed Tillie turned to Kristoff "You wanna go first?" she questioned. He looked confused so Freya explained "We all take turns. Tillies normally first though" Looking extremely serious Tillie nodded "I'm first always but... you didn't get to help... I thought you might be feeling left out" she said in her cute little girl's voice, her sentence having pauses as she thought about her words it was adorable.
Kristoff beamed at her "Thank you but you can go first I liked watching so I can learn. I've never made pancakes" the shock on her small face was clear "neber?" she asked her 'v' sounding more like a 'b' "Never" he repeated "Oh" she breathed.
Jacob sat next to her watching his sister completely amused. "Next time you can help me crack eggs" she exclaimed at Kristoff beaming as though she had just solved world hunger. Her niece was a soft soul always hating the idea of anyone hurt. "Thank you," he said, his face softened as he took Tillie in.
The children ate as the pancakes were served, when offering Kristoff one he shook his head "I can wait" shrugging Freya went back to flipping.
Tillie and Jacob were finished and she knew that when they asked in unison "can we go play" seeing them looking out the glass sliding doors Freya looked at Kristoff in question he nodded.
"Ok but you have to stay where I can see you" they were up and out so fast it made her laugh. "That's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard" Placing the last pancake on a plate Freya had no idea how to answer the compliment. It warmed her but at the same time, she was still angry at this man who was meant to be her mate, the man who had kidnapped both her and her niece and nephew. Settling with a soft "thank you" she sat down at the table that was placed in front of the glass sliding doors in a spot so she could keep an eye on the children.
"They will be fine my men are patrolling".
They sat eating not speaking Freya was waiting for him to start. She had decided earlier to get to know this man who was meant to be hers being here with him was the first small step.
Finally thank goodness he began "I'm sorry for bringing you here forcefully... It's just the way you ran yesterday I thought I would lose you, I couldn't let that happen" she nodded seeing he was waiting for a reply, seemingly satisfied he continued "you know why I bought you here don't you" Freya nodded again. He breathed out a sigh "So you know about" he paused seeming nervous. Finishing her last bite of syrupy pancake she said it for him "Supernaturals" his relieved breath was so loud it made her lips quirk slightly.
"How do you know?" he asked so he thought she was human -the human populace as a whole was unaware of the beings they shared the earth with, select government officials knew as well as humans who were mated or humans who had come across them for other reasons. - Choosing not to lie but also not to reveal herself she answered simply "My parents told me" he frowned but let it go.
"Do you have questions?" Freya thought for a second then knew she had to confirm her suspicions "So what are you?"
"I'm a wolf." the statement was proud. "I'm the Alpha of this pack" Deciding to let him know a bit more "I've heard about you and your pack" he winced, he should his reputation was not a good one, his nickname as 'The Savage' proof enough.
"They say your young for an Alpha. How old are you?" the line of his jaw tensed "sixty-five you?" well he was young for an Alpha with such a reputation. Freya deliberated on how best to answer his own question of her age telling the truth would bring her human status into question. She couldn't yet trust him.
"I'm twenty-five" he nodded then again hesitantly jaw still tense, his fists curling and uncurling he asked while looking out towards the children. "Where is their father?" Freya knew this was going to come up and again she didn't lie "He died six months ago in a car accident" her heart heavy with the weight of the words she had spoken she knew he heard her pain.

 sorry" he was apologizing? "thank you" changing the subject quickly Freya scrambled her mind in order an idea had formed in her mind as they had eaten "I want to make a deal with you"

His eyes widened slightly, his nod quick "I want to tell Tillie and Jacob you came to save us, that I didn't have time to tell them you were coming I don't want them to know they were kidnapped... They know about the supernatural world. I want them to live, to play. They've been through enough".
Had he not been her mate she would never think to take the first step toward a hesitant trust she knew the mating bond between them was pushing for. But he was and shifters were known for their protectiveness and if he seemed trustworthy she would reveal all to him.
"Of course I'll agree I don't want them to be afraid of me" he seemed sincere "You don't mind that they're not yours?" another question she needed answered. He shook his head "Your not a shifter. They are just pups I would never intentionally hurt them... or you. Anyway, they seem like good kids" Freya felt her face soften at his words she felt pure and utter joy. It terrified her.



Kristoff watched her closely, the expression was one he didn't completely understand but he knew he liked it. "What's your name" she frowned "Its Faye you know that" he growled, his wolf not liking that their mate was lying one bit. He knew she was hiding something. He just had no idea as to what that something was.
"I know your lying, I'm an Alpha remember".
She pushed away from the table. Standing she cleared the dishes rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher.
Kristoff completely forgot what they were talking about as he watched her body move. His cell phone vibrated in his pocket the ping alerting him to a message reaching in he pulled it out and cursed as he read. 'Alpha intruders at the border' up so fast his chair crashed to the ground and running outside, he grabbed the children, dashing back inside.
It was pack protocol for all adults, no matter their status to grab any children and hide them "What's going on?" his mates panicked voice "Follow me" he whisper-yelled, trying to tone down his rage at his pack being in danger. Thankfully she didn't question him further and followed behind him. He took them to a hidden elevator in the laundry room "press B twice. Once the door closes" he paused looking at the kids then back to her beautiful face etched with concern "You'll be safe don't come out I'll come for you"

Leaving only once the elevator doors were closed and he had hit the hidden panic button that initiated the lockdown of the house. Kristoff shifted then ran to the location he had been given. At the sight of his wolves fighting what looked to be an ambush, he growled letting his wolf take control. He ripped a wolf off one of his men. His soldiers were bolstered in the knowledge their Alpha was there fighting among them. They were severely outnumbered at the moment, more of his wolves were coming. His own wolf was enraged not willing to lose anyone of his pack. He attacked snarling, swiping his claws, raking them down the side of a ferocious looking wolf. It yelped in pain. Not letting it get away Kristoff barrelled into its side then using his back paw he gutted the animal its entrails spilling onto the ground. His wolf moved to where two of his pack were laying critically injured. He stood sentry over them ripping the throat out of any attacker that came near. Reinforcements arrived and the battle was quickly finished. Their pack healer had been notified and was now moving to where he stood Kristoff's wolf receded giving his human-self control again. Shifting back he knelt next to the two wolves who had fought to protect them they were both holding on. Placing a hand on each one Kristoff pushed healing energy into them. Not all Alphas had the ability, but he did. It would hold them here a little longer and also give their own wolves comfort knowing their Alpha was strong and here for them. Looking up at Lilliana the pack healer he nodded as she took over, healing them enough to be taken back to the infirmary. Lilliana was a strong healer but she was still young having just finished medical school. Using her abilities to completely heal the two here would drain her energy and there were still many injured. 

Standing Kristoff took in his surroundings thankfully no one had been lost. Pulling on a pair of shorts someone handed him he grabbed another soldiers phone and messaged Cal 'stay here and keep me informed' he saw Cal look up and nod. Then he ran back to the pack house.     


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