Chapter 18: Wolf I

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As soon as Freya sank back into the deep healing sleep she had told him about Kristoff stood, looking over at a still stunned Lucy and Cal.
"I've never seen a witch work up close before, it was... beautiful... and, well,her strength was unlike anything I have ever felt" Lucy said.
Kristoff turned to Lucy seeing the soft, respectful look on her face directed right at Freya. Cal moved next to Lucy and reached out, taking Lucy's hand in his. For a short second, the two stared at each other. Cal winced at whatever he saw and then Lucy pulled away. He kept his gaze on Cal and watched as pain streaked across the man's face.
Kristoff couldn't understand what had happened between the two. His wolf had sensed that the two were mates, but his friend was extremely tight-lipped about anything to do with Lucy.
He would have to attempt to have another conversation with Cal.
"Do you know anything about this chalepós óneiros Freya was talking about just before she lost consciousness?" He knew they needed a change of subject and that Lucy was seeking a distraction, so hegave her one. Cal may be his best friend, but Lucy was still one of his pack,on to be protected. So he turned at Lucy's question and explained all he knew about the healing sleep.
Once he was done he then said, "why don't you go call her parents and inform them of Freya's current condition"
Once Lucy was out the door and walking down the hallway, Cal's whole body seemed to slump. Kristoff hated it.
"What happened Cal? I know she's your mate"
Cal's eyes flew up, then swiftly darted away. Letting out a deep sigh Cal met his gaze "I fucked up" Kristoff nodded"Obviously" Cal let out a shocked bark of laughter.
"Kristoff I didn't just do something stupid, I really fucked up and now... I've lost my mate"
Those four broken words tore at both he and his wolf. Cal had been by his side since they were young pups. His wolf treasured their friendship which was the reason he had never had a problem leaving pack territory with Cal overseeing everything while he was away.
"So you're giving up?" the words were as accusatory as Kristoff meant them to be. Cal's back straightened, his shoulders going back, and his chest puffing up. "Never" then his friend turned on his heel and strode to the door. Before he walked through Cal spoke, "Thank you, brother." That was all the reassurance Kristoff needed. He turned back around taking in the sight of Freya, Tillie, and Jacob sleeping peacefully.
Decision made, he kicked his shoes off and lay beside his mate, taking her into his arms where he held and silently vowed to never hurt her again.
Hours passed by Kristoff, his mind wandering. As his thoughts moved through him,he stroked Freya's hair.
Lucy had checked in twice but he had told her to go rest.
His wolf pushed for dominance, needing to be with her. Getting off the bed before he took off his clothes her adjusted her position so his wolf would fit on the bed with her.
He stripped down and shifted.

The wolf shook out the feeling of his human skin and letting his fur settle.
Usually, he hated being in this place.The scents were anathema to his sense. Today, however, he was assaulted by his mate's scent. It whirled around him. Wrapping him up in her, in the feeling of home.
Two other strong scents invaded his snout, but they too were comforting. Moving to the bed of his children he raised up on the first one. Tillie, she was like the sun happiness and bright. He licked her cheek in a kiss. Protectiveness coursed through him as he watched her breathe. Needing to know she would be okay. He could feel the human part of him reassuring him, but the wolf needed to watch the sign of life.
After long moments he moved to the other bed. Jacob, pride welled at the warrior heart of this young boy who was strength and protectiveness personified. He snorted out a huff as the boy turned his eye's opening slightly.Recognition lit their hazy depths. "Protect them Kris..." Lids closing as he drifted back to sleep.
Yes, he was proud of this young warrior, proud to call Jacob his.
The wolf moved back to his mate's bed, leaping up,on a silent whisper he settled next to her.
He buried his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply. He wanted to claim her but shame welled.
The wolf decided to have patience. She would be theirs. Soon.
He would woo her, he knew he would.
She was theirs.
The wolf felt the shift in Freya. Her heart beat elevated slightly, her breathing no longer deep, and slight shifts in her muscles alerted him she was waking.
He lifted his head to watch.
Her eye's fluttered open, filled with a sleepy haze.
Then her eye's flew open and widened. He preened slightly knowing the amazement in her gaze was at seeing him for the first time.
Her hand reached out to him, she paused in her leanings. Slightly exasperated the wolf huffed out then lowered his head slightly, bucking it back up into her hand.
A delighted giggle met his ears.
She petted him, rubbing his head with just enough pressure that it forced low,deep grumbling noises out of his throat.

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