Chapter 7: Room changes

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Hey all i know this chapter is really late and I'm sorry but it would seem real life romance got in the way and my amazing husband swept me away for a romantic getaway. Anyway here it is 




A week had passed them so quickly Freya had no idea where the time had gone. The children loved this place and why wouldn't they? The yard was huge, nature was abundant, and then there was Kristoff. He played, told hilarious stories, and he always helped with the dishes.
His anger at her just after the chalepós óneiros had been quick and hot. Luckily for her, he was not a man to draw such things out. Kristoff had grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her close and whispered "you will tell me soon mate. Do. Not. Keep. Secrets" each word had been punctuated with a soft kiss. The side of her mouth, her forehead, the tip of her nose, the apple of her cheek.
Each kiss had been soft, sweet, sensual.
Freya had become truly relaxed, the safety Kristoff provided sank deep into her bones, it was unlike anything she had ever felt. Freya wasn't sure if the feelings were evoked from the mating bond. A bond that hummed steadily and was growing in strength every day.
The only thing marring her stay was the lack of pack around and the secret she was keeping.
Freya knew the pack house normally held more than just the Alpha. She also knew that she and the children were the reason no one was here. It was only ever Cal the Beta and a few of the guards who came in every now and again. The feeling of guilt was overwhelming, she was determined to speak to Kristoff and try to convince him to bring his pack back home.
Freya left the room she was still sharing with Tillie and Jacob – another matter she had to resolve – and went in search of her mate.
Freya had done a lot of thinking over the last few days, and she had decided that she was done thinking every small little thing through. Kristoff was her mate, he deserved the truth from her.
When she had woken from her healing sleep to find him there staring down at her, she had been overfilled with emotion. There were literally no words for what she had been feeling.
She had to make an active start in getting closer to Kristoff. Freya decided she would finally move into his room. He had been asking all week if the children wanted their own rooms he had also made it very clear where her own new room would be. Freya knew Jacob did but had been waiting for her approval. Today would be the start of their new lives. She was no, timid, virginal female. Freya had no idea where the rot of fear, that had been ruling her life, had come from but she knew she had to battle it. For him. For them.
Walking into the downstairs common room Freya found Tillie sprawled on the ground watching 'The Little Mermaid'. Sitting down next to her, she pulled Tillie in close, lightly tickling her sides. The giggles making Freya's smile widen. "Have you seen Kristoff?".
Tillie, without looking away from the movie, pointed out the window. Looking in that direction, Freya saw Kristoff outside with Jacob helping him string a Bow. She sighed wondering how to explain to him exactly why Jacob already knew how to use a bow.
Her niece and nephew may look four and ten but witches aged differently. Every seven years until the age of twenty- a witch had a power surge - the witches equivalent to a humans growth spurt - the surge took place overnight. It was painful, the body calibrating itself to accommodate more power, life energy, the essence of a witch. (There was however on exception, some witches had another surge at twenty-eight, those were the extremely powerful of their people. Freya had been one of those very lucky few.)
Over twenty-four hours a witch could go from looking around ten or eleven to that of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old. Confusing yes, but for witches normal, a way of life.
Tillie was, in fact, six years old her seventh birthday only a month away, on that day her body would morph to that of a pre-teen. While Jacob was twelve years of age his next surge, thankfully, was two whole years away. Two years to prepare for teenage boy hormones.
Freya watched as Kristoff clapped Jacob on the back when the arrow he shot hit the bullseye. Once outside Kristoff turned to her "He's a natural" her lips quirked if only he knew the truth. Jacob had trained with his father who was an expert with weapons. A trait Jacob had shown early signs of even as a baby.
"I need to speak with you, Jacob go sit with Tillie for a bit would you" he huffed but handed the bow over as he walked by. When she knew the young ears were out of hearing distance, Freya walked over to stand next to Kristoff.
She began speaking as she grabbed an arrow from the quiver, the pulsing energy between them caused a tingling sensation through her skin. "I think it's time for me to move out of the room, and allow the children their own space" she took aim, there was a slight breeze lifting her hair. "That's good kids need space, especially almost teen boys" exhaling Freya fired, he watched it as it split the arrow Jacob had shot, embedding itself into the bullseye. Still got it, she thought. Looking up she saw the impressed look on his face as he stared at the target. "I'm ready to share a room with you" his head whipped so quickly in her direction, she almost hadn't seen the motion. "But I know Jacob wants his own room" his smirk made her body shiver "I don't," he said moving closer to her. Freya moved in quickly and kissed his cheek softly whispering "good' then she left him standing there. As soon as she told Tillie and Jacob the news about picking their own rooms, they both ran upstairs opening every door inspecting each room. Listening to them weigh the pro's and con's of each room had her laughing constantly as she moved her belongings into Kristoff's room.



Kristoff stood, arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the wall. The sight before him was so beautiful, his mate putting her things with his. It was something he had longed to see. He had no idea why the image of her feminine products next to his shaving gel gave him a sense of commitment but it sure as hell did.
His hand moved down to his crotch adjusting himself as the pressure of his zip threatened to imprint itself on his dick her constant nearness, her scent, her body was a siren call beckoning him to claim, to take what was his.
Kristoff took a step into the hall. He needed to go for a run. The tension building was dangerous, his wolf raging to claim his mate. "Kristoff" her voice stroked his senses, "I think you should bring your pack back, it isn't fair to keep them from their home... or their Alpha" he looked over at her still unpacking her things "I can't, not until I can explain to them why." She stepped out into the hall facing him, she sighed, her breasts lifting and then falling with the movement, his eyes drawn to the sight. "Tell them. But also tell them you're trying to win me" his body turned fully in her direction, his head lifting so their gazes met.
"You don't-", she cut him off, "your forgetting I know what you are, I've been thinking, and I understand... I don't agree with the methods you took to get me here. With all that said, I do understand". The tension from moments ago was dissipating, his shoulders relaxing
"Okay... speak to your people" Then she disappeared from his sight going back into their room.
Kristoff pulled out his phone and sent a message to his Beta, 'Cal, call a pack meeting for tomorrow night'. As he walked down the hall he heard Tillie and Jacob moving around surprisingly the two had chosen rooms at the other end of the hall to his own room. An even bigger shock was seeing that Jacob had picked the room opposite to his sister's. The protectiveness the young boy had not only for his sister but also his mom was truly admirable. If Kristoff hadn't known better, he may have mistaken Jacob for a shifter. He knocked on Tillie's door she called for him to enter. Walking in he was delighted to see she was completely unpacked and her room was already looked as though it belonged to a young girl. Her bedspread was a frilly, pale pink, lacy concoction, a black wolf and white lion, sat against her pillows, their heads touching as if they were whispering secrets. There were a few nic-knacks on the small white dresser - he was sure that dresser had been in another room – her suitcase was open and now empty. A frame was prominently displayed on her bedside table next to a lava lamp. There was a poster on the wall opposite her bed it depicted a knight on a horse. What had him move closer was the picture itself, the armor at first glance appeared rusty but on closer inspection, it was covered in dried blood, the sword that was held high had a dark liquid running down the blade. The knight wore no helmet, his head tilted to the sky. It was stunning but not something he would have expected the young girl to have.
"Don't ask" Kristoff saw Jacob looking up at the picture "she loves it told our Mom exactly how to draw it" getting even closer to the what he had thought was a poster, Kristoff now saw it really was a drawing. "Your Mom drew this?" the boy jolted, his head whipping up in panic "please don't say anything I shouldn't have told you that I... forgot..." ruffling the boy's hair he said, "It's our secret".


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