Chapter 8: Revelations

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Kristoff had called a pack meeting which was to be held the next evening. Pretending to be human in this place was stupid, but what could she have done? Jacob and Tillie's lives were of the utmost importance to her. Freya moved into the bedroom Tillie had chosen.
"What ya doing?" Tillie was lying on the floor, her chest barely moving up and down, the only indication she was alive.
"I'm learning to be still" Freya hadn't quite learned not to be surprised by some of the things that came out of a child's mouth, instead she decided to be entertained. Joining Tillie, they lay side by side.
"So, why are we learning to be still?" the answer she got was unexpected
"I need to learn, or I'll get tired moving around all the time" her tone was so matter-of-fact her logic so sound Freya couldn't hold back her grin, "That's reasonable, why not learn to be still outside on the grass, in the sun?" Tillie stood so fast, her feet running towards the door as Freya stood.
"I neber, eben thought to do that!" she yelled, little legs pumping to the stairs, "Do. Not, run down those stairs young lady" Freya used her Mom's voice. A tone she had developed imitating her own mother. Tillie stopped at the stairs, turned her head and yelled "Jacob" his head popped out from his room, she saw him then ran to him while exclaiming "Jakey! Come play outside, with me."
Jacob looked so put upon, he huffed "Please Jacob" He looked to the ceiling as if he were seeking patience. Tillie grabbed his hand and plead again "Please Jakey" his head came down, he grinned and nodded, holding her hand as they went. Tillie was bubbling with excitement, telling her big brother about trying to be still as they moved down the stairs.
Freya's shoulders were shaking, with her hand at her mouth, the laughter only leaving her mouth when they had disappeared.
"He's a great brother" the deep timbre of Kristoff's voice wrapped around her "He is, he's as protective as his father was I..." her voice trailed off with the pleasant memories of watching Jacob with his Dad. She could feel the jealousy rolling off Kristoff, his wolf obviously not okay with the idea of her having fond memories of a man it believed had fathered her children. Underneath the jealousy, she could also feel pain. Freya was happy that she could sense him in a way only mates could, but she was not okay with him feeling a pain of any kind.
It was time.
She just had to find the words.
"Want to help me make dinner?" As soon as she asked the question, his eyes lit and the negative emotions withdrew. Freya knew he and his wolf were happy she had asked for his help.
Going downstairs and opening the cupboards and fridge gathering the ingredients for the burritos she had decided to make earlier. Freya decided she would tell him then, knowing Tillie and Jacob were nowhere in hearing distance, she didn't want them to overhear, and be reminded of the deaths of their parents.
"We need to talk, I need to tell you something" she just blurted it out. Kristoff stopped opening the pack of tortillas, she could feel the intensity of his gaze, as the knife she was using cut through the lettuce.
"I...I'm" the words caught in her throat, clogging it. Closing her eyes, breathing in deep Freya gathered herself. Raising her head after a moment, their gazes locked.
They were interrupted, as Tillie and Jacob came up the stairs, a man behind them frowning. It took one sweep to see why, their hands were covered in mud, and the man -she recognized as one of Kristoff's soldiers - had muddy splotches on his shirt.
Moving to them Freya held back her laugh, "What happened" she asked.
Jacob pointed his thumb over his shoulder at the man "Tillie said he's the one who grabbed her that night."
Freya rotated her hand, indicating for him to continue. He huffed then went on "I thought he was gonna try something. He scared Tillie, so we made mud balls, threw them, then ran back here."
The guy was scowling, now standing right next to Jacob, then spoke: "I would never hurt a child." Jacob tilted his head, and she knew what he was going to say, fierce protectiveness coated each word the young boy spoke "she's my sister, I'll always protect her! and you scared her the last time she saw you."
Kristoff laughed, as the man scoffed, but both men looked impressed.
"Jacob," Freya said drawing out his name, he turned his fierce gaze to her. Freya smiled softly putting her hand up for a high five, he laughed hitting his palm to hers then she pulled him in for a hug "That's my little man.
"Take Tillie upstairs and wash up. Dinner will be ready soon."
The soldier muttered "I need to get cleaned up too"
Tillie came running back "Did you tell Krissy our secret yet?" Freya scoffed at the nickname for Kristoff "Not yet, but I will"


Secret what secret? "I can't tell you" he cut her off growling, she just scowled back, holding up a hand "I can't tell you until we're alone, while I may trust you with my secrets. I don't trust the members of your pack... yet" she looked at Sean shrugging and said "Sorry but I don't know you and you're not my mate" Sean jerked clearly startled at her use of the word mate "tell everyone to leave," he said to one of his most loyal soldiers. Nodding the man turned and left.
A few minutes later the kids came back, she told them to go up to the room they had been using to watch tv and wait for her, surprisingly they did just that.
Once he knew they had privacy Kristoff went to the coffee pot and poured some into his mug, offering some to her. She scrunched her nose up looking absolutely adorable and shook her head. "I'm a tea and hot chocolate kind of girl" Sitting down at the table he indicated for her to join him once she had a mug of tea in her hands.
"Before I start can I use your phone?" handing her his cell in answer. She took it, walking away while dialing and proceeded to have a conversation with her parents. He tried to give her privacy, but his shifter hearing didn't stop him from hearing her side of the discussion.
"Hey Mom, Dad we need to talk" she sighed "So... I've met my mate, he's a wolf and, well, I need to tell him everything" He heard happiness, then, sharp negatives by both a female and male "Yes I have too he's an Alpha he's strong" Kristoff's chest puffed up in pride at her praise, but that didn't stop her parents from the resounding rejections they were voicing.
Then she said nine words that stop them short "It's Kristoff, the Alpha of the Dancing Moon pack" she was walking back to him, so he heard the long pause, a male sighed "Okay I'll contact everyone. Expect visitors soon" the line went dead. She handed the phone back.
Without hesitation, she sat back down and started her story.
"I lied earlier about my age, I mean, I'm... a sixty-five-year-old witch" Kristoff stared stunned as the words tumbled out of her mouth in a slight staccato.
Things began to make sense in his mind. How young both children looked but seemed a bit more mature than their appearances denoted. The way all three gravitated outside staring longingly at the forest beyond the limits of the agreed upon border of play. Her understanding of the supernatural world, her easy acceptance of their mating.
"My coven is in danger, we're all in hiding. Someone put a bounty on the children and I" Kristoff felt his back go straight, fists clenched, the fur of his wolf rubbing so close to the surface. He was in danger of losing control for the first time since his adolescence. "WHAT" he growled.
She persevered through his anger, the unexpected revelations continued.
"Jacob and Tillie aren't my biological children. They're my sisters and her husbands. They died in battle, six months ago, a group of witches, vampires, and rogues attacked their home. It was lucky I had the children with me that night, we only know it was a mixed group because there were bodies left behind, we found out about the bounty at the funeral. An old friend called and told me, he had a contract with our names on it. He turned it down but it explained why a mixed species attack happened." She was right of course. Kristoff couldn't stand seeing the unshed tears in her eyes, he moved to her entwining his hand with her own he pulled her up into his arms. She burrowed in, her head finding that place in his chest meant only for her.
The fit was a perfection he had never known, no other had ever felt so... Right
"My big sister" she breathed, the words a broken sob. He held her through the grief rocking her body his hand went to the top of her head, gliding down the wild curls to the small of her back again, and again trying to soothe the hurt.
"What do you need?" he asked, the answer when it came was soft and pained "Nature".
Guiding her outside to the grass, she lay down on her back, pulling him down with her as she cuddled into his side. She felt so good against him. Her soft curves pressing into his side. Tipping her face up, they locked gazes. She leaned in giving him permission. He met her mouth with his. Her soft lips melded with his. The touch was a light meeting of their mouths, more intimate and satisfying than any other encounter he had ever had. His wolf rumbled with pleasure, almost purring like a damn cat! She smiled against his mouth before moving away to settle back into her previous position.
"I'm sorry you lost them" she squeezed him tighter. "What's your name," he asked holding his breath, knowing she would answer.
"Freya" it was perfect for her.
"You can't tell anyone who I really am" she pleaded "I can't risk it." Kristoff could understand, but, he didn't like it. Not one bit.
"We'll have to before your visitors come" she nodded her head against his chest "Let me get to know your pack first" he acquiesced, that was fair. 


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