Chapter 14: Confrontation Part I

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Kristoff had decided to do some research on the Hekate Coven and what he found only made his blood boil they were powerful extremely so. Considered to be one of the strongest bloodlines in the witching community if not the most powerful.
Picking up his phone he dialed a number he never thought he would call.
"Kristoff" The voice was deep and aged. It rang with a primal steel will.
"Andreas, I need to know about the Hekate Coven" there was a long pause before the old as sin vampire spoke.
He deliberated on how to respond, deciding on vague truth he answered "There may be one in my territory" another long pause, there was a rustle of material then quick footfalls.
"Sorry I was in a meeting but this conversation should be private" there was a hint of an accent Kristoff had never been able to place in the other man's voice.
"The Hekate have been a power since the dawn of time, no one but they know the truth, but there is a story of an ancient Goddess bestowing power onto the family hence the name Hekate" at his silence Andreas sighed "Hekate the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft, Magic and Ghosts"
"If they're so powerful why aren't they apart of the panel?" his mind was spinning
"Ah, Kristoff I forget how young you are" Kristoff knew the vampire wasn't patronizing him, the man was just so old he constantly forgot that the people around him weren't as ancient as he was. "They are not on the panel because they choose not to be, they don't need to be, the magic they are said to wield is so great that they could easily rule if they wanted to. The coven leader is said to be as old as I... This attack on them is... unsettling"
That made Kristoff pause "Why would an attack on them be unsettling for you?" he asked curiously at the hesitance he heard.
"Have you not been listening Kristoff? How do you think such formidable people would react to an attack" Kristoff froze in place a shiver of uncertainty coursing through both he and his wolf. "Retaliation" Kristoff answered.
Andreas's voice was that of the cold predator he was "Yes, but instead they are in the wind and I can not think of a reason why such a decision was made. I know of one member currently living in Ireland and a bonded couple closer to my own location. Now you tell me there may be one within your territory. It seems as if they are positioning themselves but to what end?"
Kristoff's heart was pounding, his stomach doing cartwheels. Andreas also knew that Heja was in Ireland.
Positioning themselves near powerful supernatural's.
The sick feeling in the pit of his stomach was still roiling half an hour later, as he looked at the grass where he had laid with Freya, holding her in his arms as she wept.
Was it all an act to get closer to him? Were they really mates or had she cast a spell on him.
His mind was a swirl, the horror of his thoughts an ache. He had to talk to her.
His wolf had gone silent, something it had never been before.
He heard her walk in, her scent wrapping around him. Kristoff's teeth ground, his biceps flexing, his back stiffening.


Freya spent the next two hours with Lucy the two chatting and laughing andeating a small lunch, bought to them on trays by Cal. She had suspected whenthey first met, the now laughing woman next to her would be a friend. Freya nowknew that to be fact. Lucy had a sharp wit and an openness to her that Freyaloved. She had no time for people who playedgames.
The warmth she could feel from Lucy was a healing balm to Freya's soul relaxingher in a way she had only felt with Kristoff. Kindred spirits she mused, camein many forms, both lovers and friends.
"I think I now understand Wren's sudden improvement,"Lucy said bringing Freya out of her own thoughts.
"Sorry what?" she asked when her mind hit a wall at the name. "Wren's a soldierof the pack he was" she paused taking a deep breath "his wounds were so bad I thoughtwe were going to lose him. I've neverbeen so frustrated with myself as I had that day. I couldn't" Lucy's voicebroke, a single tear making its way down her cheek. "Why am I so broken, soweak Freya... not even my mate wants me"
Hearing those words Freya almost broke for this strong young girl who to Freya'smind and heart was now one of her people to protect. "You are not weak Lucy.Most people don't understand the burden you carry, most do not even gauge whatit takes to be a healer, or to have their powers stripped, yet here you are.You found a way to keep healing without your powers, you are strong." Wrapping her arms around Lucy, Freya whispered: "I'm here for you." Freya didn't knowwhat it was like for her powers to be stripped but over these past months shehad to live without her own magic and that was pure torture. It was likesuddenly losing her sense of smell or loosing the use of her legs. Their magicwas like another limb, it was so ingrained that being cut off was horrible.Freya couldn't fathom the depth of Lucy's pain.
They sat holding each other for long seconds. Only pulling back when Lucy'strembling receded. Freya spoke, heranger a whip in the air "and if your mate doesn't want you that's their problem,not yours" Grabbing a few tissues out ofa box that sat on the desk she continued "Who is it?" though she asked thequestion, Freya was certain she already knew. Lucy just shook her head.
"Alright I won't pry. But if you needanything come to me."
Leaving the infirmary Freya walked silently back to the pack house with Cal. Her fury was slightly mollified by the wavesof longing coming from the quiet wolf.
"Is Lucy alright?" the rumble of words had Freya considering what to say. Shouldshe meddle or leave well enough alone? The problem was, all was not well, noteven close. Decision made she answered honestly "No, but I hope she will be."
Putting mental blocks up in an effort to ceaseall the emotional waves crashing around her Freya went into the Packhouse and saw Kristoff standing by theglass sliding door, that looked out onto the grass where he had held her in hisarms. She went to him needing his warmth, his strength.
Her lips spread out into a smile.
"Kristoff" he turned to face her. Not stopping her movements' Freya pressed herselfto his hard muscled body. Just as she was about to place her arms around hiswaist Kristoff planted a hand on each of her shoulders and pushed her back.Jolting slightly, she looked up into a cold hard stare. Her brows furrowed asconfusion set in.
"Kristoff what" he cut her off, his words sending shards of ice through herbody.
"You. Do. Not. Touch. Me." He was her mate, the other half of her being, theone her witches soul called to.
"Why?" was all she could manage to say on a breathless gasp.
He scoffed looking down his nose at her "Do you trust me Freya?"
Freya felt a trickle of fear trying to wheedle itself into her mind but he washers' so she answered the only way she knew how "Of course"
He roared in outrage "You liar!"
Her eyes rounded, her heart a skipped a beat then began racing, each beat apound against her chest.
"You said you told me everything! When the hell were you going to tell me abouthow powerful you and your family are! What?were you planning on taking my pack from me"
Paralyzed with shock, Freya only managed to slightly move her head from one sideto the other.
"I did a little research on your family Freya. The great Hekate Coven" she flinchedas he spoke the name of her beloved coven with venomous sarcasm.
"Not once did you tell me how powerful they are. Not once did you mention howpowerful you are" he jabbed anaccusatory finger in her direction as he moved a step towards her, she took astep back from him, terror filling her at the rage burning in his body.
"How do I know I haven't just placed poison in my pack? How do I know you'rereally my mate?" The low vile words stabbed her heart, splintering the trustshe had in this man who was meant to be her mate.
The insinuation that she would dare use dark magic cut a wound so deep itsnapped her own emotions into a surreal calm. Her fists clenched as her legstrembled with the effort it took for her not to turn on her heel and run. Orstep forward and yell back.
"How do I know you haven't cast a spell on me!" he spat, each word a slicingblade to everything she was.
The cacophony of negativity Freya felt at this very moment, towards this manwas like none she had ever felt before.
The betrayal, the hurt, the rage, the sadness, and unfortunately the buddingsense of love that had been growing within her, were a storm in her veins.
That unnatural stillness enveloped her in its grips, protecting her from thedeep-rooted bitterness Kristoff was spewing.
"Are you done?" she asked


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