Chapter 15: Confrontation Part II

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Hey all another reminder that my story is unedited (until further notice) and i would really love your feed back and critique's 

Thanks as always 



The rage that fuelled Kristoff waned as the look on Freya's face processed. His wolf urging him to go to her and comfort her.
Each second that had passed since she had walked in flashed in his mind. Her shock, the disbelief, the hurt, and finally the fear he had scented on her.
"Are you done?" her voice was flat, completely toneless.
Her sweet face was a mask of indifference.
Most worrying of all, Freya's scent had thoroughly disappeared. It was just gone. Even though she was there, right in front of him. He couldn't sense her at all.
As he opened his mouth to speak - to say what he did not know - he didn't get the chance because she spoke.
"Let me answer your questions: Firstly, I never told you about my families power because I honestly thought you knew. You're the most powerful Wolf Shifter in the world, and you're on the panel. Secondly, I'm not a caster, I'm an elemental witch, the kind of magic your thinking of, is dark, and for me to harness that much power would kill me. Lastly, yes, I really am your mate."
Each word was delivered in that dead voice, void of everything.
Kristoff took a step toward her inhaling deeply. Still no scent. She stepped away from him, walking all the way back to the doorway, never losing sight of him.
His wolf snarled, it's sad howl reflecting his own regret at what he had just done to her.
"Freya I'm..." she shook her head "Your words are useless. My body has shut down, my shield is up"
Kristoff flinched. A witches' shield only ever went up when they no longer wanted to feel. Most used their shields during battle, to protect themselves from the emotions of others around them. Witches were extremely empathetic, and he had just forced his mate to put her shield up.
He was a fucking asshole!
How could he do this to her? He let his anger dictate his actions and now his mate was in a prism of her own creation to protect herself from him.
"What do you need?" Kristoff knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to hold her, to apologize, to beg for her forgiveness.
But he didn't deserve that.
"Space" with that one word she turned on her heel and ran. Cal popped his head in the doorway a silent question in his eyes. "Follow her, but keep your distance" Not even a second later he was once again alone with his own thoughts and his extremely pissed off wolf.
Sounds of joy and laughter hit his ears as reality set back in and his mind was bought back to the present.
Tillie came running in as Jacob followed behind her at a slower pace. "Krissy! Oh my, we had so, so, so much fun I neber imagined such a fun playground, and do you know what?" she had reached him now her arms open wide for a hug. Her exuberance helped the smile he had plastered across his lips soften and turn genuine.
Kneeling down he took her into his arms snuggling her close, pecking her on the cheek.
Standing he ruffled Jacobs hair, knowing the boy was a little too old for hugs now, but touch was important in packs. Anchoring each other in safety, keeping their bonds strong, and letting pups know they were safe within the pack no matter who they were with was their most important law.
Tillie yanked on his hand, looking down he saw her furrowed brow.
"What's wrong Krissy, are you sad?" He also noticed Jacobs gaze boring into him. The innocent question had his heart squeezing.
Yes, witches were very empathetic.
"I hurt Freya and made her very mad, and that makes me sad"
"You gotta pologize Krissy" he nodded agreeing with her one hundred percent. "I know sweetheart. I was thinking of doing something special for her maybe buy her a present"
Jacob finally spoke "Don't by her something, she'd hate that, she says a real man uses words and actions to prove himself. Not material things"
Happy for the advice he asked them what he should do for her.
Tillie and Jacob were full of great ideas from making a card, to going and picking flowers, taking a picnic with special homemade food.
"How'd you two get so smart?" he asked chuckling
"Mama, and Papa and Aunt Frey and everyone!" was Tillie's joyous reply.
"Whenever our Mom was mad at our Dad he would ask Aunt Frey to come and get us so he could spoil her" Jacob murmured, his head bent down avoiding any eye contact and Kristoff didn't push whether young or old man or boy, pride was pride.
To change the subject he piped up "Who wants to see if we can help with the dinner preparations?"
Tillie jumped excitedly while Jacobs' head whipped up a pained expression on his face.
Leaning down he whispered "We'll get Tillie sorted. You and I can get some target practice in"
Jacobs expression smoothed out his happiness a pure incandescent light.


Freya walked for a long time through the trees, letting natures energy sink into her skin, absorbing natures balance, hoping it would bring herself at least a modicum of stability.
She was well aware that Cal was following her, luckily for him, he kept his distance. The shield she had intuitively put up was now well and truly down.
Her feet were scraped raw, the forest ground rough and uneven on her soles. The pain paled in comparison to the hurt that was making its way around her body like refrigerated molasses. The slow pace ensuring each cell within her felt the true depth of the soul deep agony Kristoff and his wolf had thrown at her.
Word after word.
Accusation after accusation.
Snarl after snarl.
The doubt, the suspicion, it killed her. Her witches soul was a mess, her aura fluctuating so badly that she knew there was no way she could face Tillie and Jacob in the state she was in.
Stopping suddenly she called out "Cal, I need Lucy" Cal was by her side so quickly Freya barely had time to blink.
"Luna, I.."
For some reason, as he said 'Luna' Freya felt as though a hot poker had been driven into her stomach and dragged to the side, her flesh burning in its wake.
Everything went black, The last thing Freya felt was Cal lifting her, then the cool brush of the wind as it caressed her face.

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