Chapter 10: The Announcement

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Hey all, something strange has been happening when i upload. Words are merging so if you spot one i may miss please let me know 




Kristoff lay on the bed where Freya had left him, extremely hard and frustrated. His groan of frustration had been met by Freya's laughter and Tillie's sweet morning exuberance. The innocent sounds had gone a long way to mollifying his wolfs frustration.
The strangest mix of emotions was churning through him. The morning scene was one he had often imagined, not so much the interruption, but having his mate by his side as he woke, their children safely tucked-in down the hall. Waking up together.
Kristoff grabbed a T-shirt and went downstairs to the kitchen. Freya was mixing something in a bowl, Jacob had his head down on folded arms at the table, while Tillie regaled them with a tale of a brave knight who fights for his people.
His phone vibrated on the bench where he had just placed it. Picking it up he read the message 'Alpha everyone has been notified and all will be at the meeting this evening at five, I told everyone to gather in the space between the pack house and the infirmary' messaging his Beta back confirming he had received the message he moved to Freya.
"The meeting is tonight, we need to discuss details later" His nose was buried in her hair, his lips moving against her ear. He felt the shudder that went through her body, saw the goose bumps on her shoulders and his wolf was back to acting like a cat purring his satisfaction at her reaction to him.
"Krissy, can you help me please?" He turned to see Tillie at the refrigerator a gallon of half and half in one hand standing on tiptoes trying to reach the butter.
Moving quickly to help her he took the milk and grabbed the butter "Careful sweetheart, shut the door please" he placed the items on the bench. The toaster popped and Jacob was up placing the toasted slices onto a breadboard where Tillie was now waiting with the butter and a knife.
They spent another morning working together having breakfast. It happened again.
Home. The thought, the feeling becoming more natural to him.
The uncomfortable ache of his arousal spurred Kristoff to work, he couldn't concentrate. His wolf howled to sink deep into Freya, to begin his claiming. Leaving them was hard and made his wolf huff with disapproval, but the animal understood that they needed to wait.
Hours later when Kristoff could no longer stand the distance he made his way downstairs and starred watching Jacob practice throwing kunai knives that Freya had apparently produced to the boys' extreme pleasure – Kristoff had frowned but she had explained that Jacob had been learning weapons since before he could walk – and Tillie was also now outside laying on the grass proclaiming she was learning to be still. He found himself alone with his mate for the first time since that morning she had been doing things in the kitchen with the children while he attended to business in his office. Instead of sneaking her away to kiss her senseless he knew it was time to talk about the meeting that would be taking place, in a mere hours time. He had honestly not meant for this conversation to be so last minute.
After agreeing with each other about the finer details of what to reveal to the pack and deciding it was best for the initial announcement to take place with none of the pack children including Tillie and Jacob around Kristoff barely had time to communicate that the children were to come later, before he knew what was happening it was time.
His breath caught at the vision she made. Freya was wearing a cream-colored ankle length halter-neck dress that had a slight vee, hinting at her abundant cleavage, a smattering of soft floral print scattering the delicate material of the dress, her feet left bare, but adorned with a few toe rings and anklets. She was a vision the likes, not even his dreams could conjure.



Jacob and Tillie were thankfully and happily being distracted by Cal, though she didn't think the guy would harm either child she still felt hesitant leaving them in the house alone with him. Her trepidation must have been obvious because Kristoff came to stand in front of her. He took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "They'll be fine, Cal would never harm them. Or let anyone else harm them." Accepting his faith in his Beta, Freya inhaled deeply, straightening her back and forced her body tore lease the tension that had been slowly building all day. To distract herself she had spent the day baking enlisting Tillie and Jacob to help her. They had made trays of cookies filled with chocolatey goodness, and savory muffins. The scent had drawn Cal and a few of the other soldiers that were always on guard to the kitchen, their nostrils flaring at the delicious notes of baked goods. Tillie had looked up at the men when they first appeared and brightly chirped "Now it smells like home right!"
Freya had watched in fascination as each one's face softened. Her niece proceeded to wrapped each soldier around her finger by handing a napkin and muffin to each saying "we worked hard so your tummies won't hurt."
With her hand secure in his grip Freya followed him as he guided her to a clearing where people were gathering... a lot of people. At a rough estimate, she would say almost a hundred people were there. Freya had known this pack was big, in fact it was one of the biggest in the world. She also knew that not everyone would be there tonight. Kristoff had explained that at least one member from each family group would be there but because some had carers that took them allover. He had confided to her that some of those pack mates were also soldiers who kept an inconspicuous eye on the movements of other supernatural beings who may or may not make a move against Dancing Moon.
A restless quiet fell around them as the pack caught sight of her and Kristoff. He led her to a makeshift stage that had been set up.
"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'm sure you all have questions but this evening I would like to introduce my mate" there was a pause as every single person in the clearing seemed to draw in a breath then cheers went up, some jumped, some thrust their fists into the air, and others clapped heartily. Freya did notice a small group to the back left of females who looked for a lack of a better word pissed off.
Despite the glares, she kept the gentle smile that had curved her mouth at the overall reaction. The relief she was feeling was immense. Shouted questions flew from the crowd.
Kristoff stood next to her a wide goofy grin on his face, no doubt caused by some of the questions and some of the comments of her 'hotness'. Those coming from a few of what she deduced as barely passed juvenile males. She watched as his hand raised and all noise ceased.
"To answer some of your questions, It took so long because I kidnapped her and the two children she is the guardian of" the collective shocked gasp was an amusing sight to see. "Bring the children so I can introduce you all at the same time" there was a flurry of activity as children of all ages appeared. Cal bought Jacob and Tillie out. Jacob holding her hand tightly.
They positioned themselves between her and Kristoff, so Jacob stood next to her while Tillie had cuddled up to Kristoff's side, her body slightly hidden behind him as she shyly looked out over the crowd. One of her hands reached up and grasped Kristoff's shirt, her other hand still clasped in Jacob's.
"Now that we are all here I would like to introduce three new members of our pack" Kristoff turned and picked Tillie up, then held a hand out to Jacob.Freya instinctively moved with Jacob so they were all as close as possible. "This is Tillie" Tillie gave first Kristoff then the crowd a beaming smile and a wave. "And this is Jacob" Jacob gave them all a respectful nod and what she could only describe as a smirk that a boy his age should not have mastered.
"And this is your new Luna Freya" For her part Freya widened her smile. The pack went crazy once again as they cheered and congratulated their Alpha. This time Kristoff allowed their jubilation to calm naturally.
Drawing in the cool air Freya centered herself to speak "We thank you all for your kind welcome. The children and prepared a few snacks for you all" looking over at the teenagers who stood with the younger children she smiled gently "Would you all like to come help me bring out the platters"
They all nodded excitedly. Stepping down with Jacob she moved off the impromptu stage and waited as the teens and a few of the younger children made their way to her. Tillie stayed in Kristoff's arms. That made her heart squeeze with joy,knowing Tillie was comfortable enough with him was everything. She also knew Jacob trusted the man enough to protect his baby sister the evidence was now walking beside as he moved with her, instead of choosing to stay by Tillie.
The lively chatter and innocent questions from the pups were adorable.
"Do you like our Alpha?"
"Are you happy to have a mate?"
"You don't smell like a wolf?"
"How old are you?"
"Can I borrow your dress?"
That last was asked by a girl who had to only be nine. Laughing at their enthusiasm she answered their questions as the took platters out.
"Yes I like your Alpha, and I'm very happy to have a mate. No I'm not a wolf" One of the teens stooped at that her head tilting, but before she could ask Jacob turned to the boy who had asked her age and spoke "She's way too old for you" everyone laughed including the teen who replied "Don't worry man I'd never try to poach someone's mate". Jacob had effectively blocked an uncomfortable question, she hated lying and he knew that. Silently she thanked her sister for the blessing that was Jacob.
Turning and crouching down so she was the little girl's height she said "And to answer your question, when your big enough yes you can borrow my dress" The young one threw herself at Freya, her small arms wrapping around her neck "Thank you, Luna!" Rising Freya looked across the clearing seeing Tillie still in Kristoff's arms. He was looking at her with such a gentle expression it made her stop and she didn't know but her face had also softened to the delight of the pack members who witnessed the silent exchange.
The muffins and cookies were an instant hit. Three grills were bought out where meat was now cooking. People left and came back with bowls of different salads and packs of buns and rolls. Music played from a set of portable speakers that had been placed on either side of a table that someone had set up with an array of drinks. The meeting had effectively turned into an extempore celebration.
Merriment filled the air, the auras of everyone pulsed with jovial pleasure. Contentment sank deep within Freya, she felt peace.


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