Feelings For You

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Finn's POV.

"Nick! She's not interested. I wanted to ask her but she's so blunt and doesn't even want to be near me." I said to Nick. He's been on at me all morning about Millie. I wanted to find out why she was avoiding me and why she wouldn't return my calls.

"Then ask her friends! Ask Maddie! Sadie! Noah!" He said.

"They won't tell me ought!" I told Nick. He shrugged and went upstairs.

"Then I give up." He went round the corner and left me alone to think. Maybe Sadie. They talk more. I got my things and headed out. I went to meet Sadie at her house and find out what's up with Millie.


I came up her path and rang her doorbell. I waited and the door opened. She stood there and smiled at me.

"Finn!" She said. "What a pleasant surprise!"

"Do you know why Millie is avoiding me?" I ask. Sadie loses her smile and looks inside and walks out closing the door behind her.

"Yeah, I do!" She answers.

"Well..." I ask.

"She has a crush on you and she's afraid of telling you! She told me last."

"You found out then?" He asked.

"Oh no! I knew before. She told me she's avoiding you so she doesn't have to go through an awkward situation again." She told me.

"Again?" I question.

"The cafe! You was being pushy and all and it was too much for her." She told. The door opened and Millie stood there. She saw me and slammed the door shut.

"Millie!" I call after her.

"I'll talk to her. Just stay here." Sadie went inside and left me outside. Why is Millie avoiding me. I know she has a crush but to avoid it is not how to go. I'm not avoiding her and I have a crush on her.

Sadie came out and smiled. "It's not a good time right now!" She spoke. "Better to come back tomorrow." With that being said, I turned and walked home. I hope Millie comes and sees me. I miss seeing her.

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