Live Stream

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Millie's POV.

The night Finn stayed round was amusing because he brought some weird hat and wouldn't take it off.

"Finn! What's with the hat?" I asked as he stepped through my door of my house.

"Do you like?" He asks refusing to answer my question.

"Finn? I asked you a question."

"And I asked you a question."

"It looks daft but I wanna know why you're wearing it." Finn laughed and giggled.

"Well... funny thing. I was dared by my brother to wear this for a day and if I keep it on, I win $50. Off him like." He smiles.

"And you're still wearing it when your brother isn't round?" I ask.

"Yeah because he wants me to take pictures of me wearing it all day. Without taking it off. It's worth it." He smiled.

"Why this hat?" He helped himself to our food in our kitchen.

"Well! It was my dads and since my dad is away for now nick dared me to wear it. Do I look like my dad?" He asks me.

"Not one bit." I said shaking my head.

"Okay. I'm live-streaming on instagram soon. Wanna join?" It was nice for Finn to ask.

"Why not!" I say smiling. "When's soon?"

"In half an hour." I nod and keep an eye on the clock.

"And you're wearing that on there?"

"Yeah! Why you got something against it?" I shake my head.

"No! But people will ask. Just saying." I laughed under my breath and took a snack and ate it alone.


•live stream time•

Finn had his phone ready and was buzzing about showing people the hat.

"What if your dad sees the hat?" I ask Finn.

"Don't worry he doesn't have social media." He said focusing on his phone.

"But people could send it to him in some way." I tried telling him.

"It's fine. No one knows my dad. He's hard to find." Finn wouldn't listen to me. So I let him continue with his act. He'll get told off and I would tell him 'I told you so!'

"Hey guys! Finn Wolfhard here! With special guess, Millie Bobby Brown. I jumped in the shot and waved at the viewers. I smiled at the screen and saw comments of fans discussing me and Finn together and some about the hat. "Any words miss brown?"

"Yes! I do. Finn is wearing the hat because his brother dared him to for money. So through this whole live stream this annoying hat will be in your faces. So stick around for that. By the way this is his dads hat." I finished up and smiled at angry Finn. He didn't look it because he was trying to hide it. I smiled and giggled. It was funny. I loved seeing him mad.

"She loves it really guys." He covered. "And thanks for all the nice comments in the last stream. You guys are amazing. I blocked him out and got messages of Noah, Gaten and Sadie.

What is Finn wearing?

Tell me his brother isn't daring him for $50 again!

OMG! I'm laughing my pants off rn. Very good!

Thanks guys but yeah his brother dared him $50 to wear it all day. Luckily his dad isn't home till tomorrow.

Is he going to bed with it on?

Maybe! But I would love to see how mad his dad gets.

I was texting them constantly and forgot about the live stream. I couldn't be bothered and didn't care no more. I wanted to see how his dad reacts to this. It will be a funny show to watch.

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