Oh Finn!

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Millie's POV.

I opened my door to a curly haired boy and a cute scruffy thing in his arms. I spotted it first and realised it was a dog.

"Surprise!" He says with a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh Finn! You shouldn't have." I grabbed the dog and held it in my arms.

"I saw her and I thought you might like her." Finn old me. I opened the door for Finn to come in.

"Thank you for this Finn. I love you." He turns and kisses me and goes to sit down. I place the dog down and get some food that it may like to eat for now.

"Anytime! Wanna go to pet shop and buy her food?" He asks me.

"I can get the gang to get that. They're coming later." I told Finn.

"Can I stay?" He asks.

"Of course you can. We was going to invite you anyway." I told him resting on the counter.

"You wanna name her?" He asks leaning over.

"Yeah what name?" I ask him as he got me her.

"You're asking me?" He asks

"Of course. You got her for me." I smiled.

"Well... Maybe we could name her after us. Since I got her and she's yours." He keeps leaning forward on top of the counter.

"Finn!" I called.

"Y-yes!" He groaned.

"Get off the counter before you stop breathing." I laughed. He climbs off and walks up to me.

"How about... finnie!" He says with a smile. I start laughing out loud. "What?"

"That's your nickname and it's a boy name." I tried to tell him through laughs.

"Fine. What do you wanna call her?" He asks. I look at her and it comes to me.

"Fillie!" I say. Our ship name as the gang calls us and it's got both our names in it." I smile.

"Fillie!" He calls. She begins to bark and we then knew that name was fitted.

"Fillie!" She barked again.

"Fillie." She barked once more.

"Fillie!" We both said. She barked again and we knew that she liked her new name.

"Fillie it is." Finn smiled. I smiled and picked her up. "Hey there Fillie." He cooes at her. I watch in amazement. Maybe he does the same with a human child. Not like I want one right now. I'm too young.

"I'm gonna call Sadie. Can you hold her?" I ask him and grab my phone and make a phone call. "Sadie... yeah it's me. Finn bought me a dog today. Could you before you get here get some dog food please. I don't wanna leave her alone as I've got her today." I told and asked Sadie.

"Yeah! Of course. Can we come over to see her?" Sadie asks.

"Of course but get the food first, and maybe some toys as she doesn't have any." I asked.

"You better owe me the money back Mills." Sadie joked.

"I will." I joked back. I hung up and went back to the kitchen to see Finn kissing Fillie. Aw! She's adorable. Finn caught me and looked over. "You both are adorable." I say.

"Why thank you." Finn said. He raised Fillie up.

"Thank you." He says in a high pitch voice trying to match the dogs voice.

"You are adorable." I say kissing Finn.

"I love you."

"Love you." I smiled. This is the best gift he's ever got me. I have a dog now. And her name is Fillie.

Fillie One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now