Summer Breeze

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Millie's POV.

It was summer time which meant time to chill in the sun until I got tanned. I love going brown a little. I don't know why though but I like it. I hate being pale all the time. It's not fair.

Finn: You coming out?

Millie: might do. Why?

Finn: the guys chose to go to the water park for a fun day out. Instead of chilling inside the house I thought you might wanna join.

Millie: Did you invite Sadie as well?

Finn: Caleb is.

Millie: if she says yes then I will.

Finn: why? Live a little.

I laughed a little at his comment. 'Live a little' I do live.

Millie: fine! Any funny business I walk! Understand!

Finn: Yeah Mills. x

I froze as he sent me the one kiss. That doesn't mean anything does it? Does it?


I arrived at the water park with the guys and Sadie. Us girls wore our bikini underneath our lose clothing as the boys wore their shorts and top. We got undressed and the boys were first to dive in. I waited till they stopped splashing and suddenly I felt someone push me in. I went under and I tried swimming to the top.

"Who did that?" I said after coughing up water.

"Finn!" Gaten rat Finn out. He shrugged and looked all innocent.

"I didn't. It was Sadie." Sadie was still on the side. She pushed Finn and he jumped in. Sadie giggled and I laughed along.

"Watch Out!" Sadie yelled.

"No!" I said as I noticed she was going to do cannonball.

"Here comes the cannonball!" Gaten yelled out. Sadie did the cannonball and she was under. She rised and smiled.

"Beautiful!" I and Caleb clapped.

"Thanks guys." She said. For the rest of the day we splashed and made a mess.

"Finn!" I screamed as he only splashed me and not the others.

"What Mills?"

"Why splashing me only?"

"Because you deserve it." He joked.

"For what?" I asked. He swam up to me and we connected our lips.

We broke apart hoping the others didn't see. Luckily they didn't. I felt shocked and a little bit embarrassed. I swam backwards and getting out. The fun moment was gone now. After the kiss it broke me. I felt something and I didn't know whether it was love or embarrassment. Finn never laid his lips on me before.

"Millie! I'm sorry." He apologised. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"I'm going." I told and grabbed my stuff and left. Sadie caught me and got out and helped me.

"Millie? What happened?" She said as we were out of view."

"Finn kissed me." Sadie smiled and then took it away.

"What's wrong with that?" She asks.

"I... don't know. I just don't see Finn in that way." I lied. I do. At least I did before he did kiss me.

"Your scared." Sadie said.

"I am." I answered.

"Here. We'll go hang out at mine." She said going back to grab her stuff. I caught a glimpse of Finn looking at me. He didn't look happy but he knew not to do anything funny. Like I said on the text. Sadie came through and took me to hers.


"Thanks Sadie." I thanked as she handed me a drink. We sat in her yard as we enjoyed the sun for a little while longer.

"The guys are texting me asking why we left." Sadie told me.

"Don't tell them please." I beg her.

"It's fine Millie. I'll just tell them you had to go back home and I joined." She told me. "Tell me." She put her phone down. "What was so scary about the kiss Witt Finn?" She asked.


"I wanna know. It's better to talk about it then hide it away." She told.

"It was... kind of sudden really. I wasn't expecting him to do that and it frightened me a little." I told.

"Its fine Millie. We all have our first kiss sometime." Sadie told Millie.

"It was unexpected that's all." I told her.

"Yeah. I would like it if I loved the guy but it's you Millie. Do you like him?" I didn't answer because I didn't know the answer myself.

"I don't know. I think I might." Sadie smiled but not her normal smile. "Sadie!" I called at her all serious.

"It's nice. Come on. Finn is hot. You're cute why not?" She said.

"You think he's hot?" I question.

"Hot for you." She cleared.

"Thanks." I said. "Can we move on from this? Please." Sadie nods and goes onto Snapchat and snaps a photo of her and me together. I snapped a photo of me and put it on Instagram. I put underneath,

Enjoying the sun after a splash! #sun #BFF #SunTan

I hope nothing goes wrong from here.

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