Think About Us

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Finn's POV.

I felt fresh and ready for a day out. Spending time with Millie was the best day I could ever wish for.

I grabbed the most expensive gift I bought from a shop and took off. I texted Millie where she was meeting me and I waited a whole for her to text back.

'Meet me at the top shop near the park where we first met x' I loved her kisses after the text.

'Okay, sweetpie x'

I set off to the top shop.

(Top Shop)

I arrived, hand with a present in and a rose in the other. I can't wait till she comes. Surprise her.

"Finnie!" I hear her call. I turn and see her come into my view. I lean in and kiss her. She looks shocked as I break away. I quickly apologised. "No. I liked it." She smiled.

"Here! I got you this?" I hand her the rose. She took it and her face lit up. She looked at me and smiled.

"Aw! I love this." She says. I wait for her to notice the bag in my hand. "Do you have anything else?" She asked. I nod and gave her the bag. She looked inside. She looked up surprised and reached in and grabbed the box. She opens the box and looks inside. Her face lit up as she looked at the jewelry inside. "Oh Finn, you shouldn't have." She said gob smacked.

"I had to because your beautiful and your gorgeous and I couldn't help buying this for you. It's perfect like you." She smiled and held the box close to her face. "Do you want it on?" I ask her. She nods excitedly. She takes the necklace out and I help put it on her. She turned and lifted her hair up. I clipped the necklace together. She spins round looking and admiring the necklace. She looks up at me with sparkles in her eyes. I couldn't help but smile.

"I love this. I love you." I smile as Millie smiles.

"Love you too." I smiled back. The best day ever.

(A couple hours later)

We sat on the grass, on the hill looking up at the sky. Enjoying others company. We held hands and snuggled close. My heart was racing and I could sense that Millie felt it too. She turned her head to me and I leaned in and kissed her forehead. Her hand was on her chest as she was holding the necklace close.

"Finn!" I heard Millie say.


"Do you ever think about us? About our future?" I didn't respond as I tried to take in what she said. "Finn?" She leans up and turns to me. I didn't answer because I didn't know.

"I haven't been thinking about that? Why? Have you?" I asked her.

"All the time. It's a memory in my head whenever I'm here with you. The possibility of us staying together is 50/50." She told me.

"Why 50/50?" I asked.

"I don't know. I have been half thinking about us been together and not been together. I'm worried." I held Millie and embraced her into a hug.

"Don't worry. Don't worry about the future. You are my future." I broke away and peered at Millie. She smiled and we both had a moment of silence. I leaned in and kissed her lips. Making the kiss linger. I broke away and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I hope we are together forever." I hope so too.

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