My Singer/Guitarist Boyfriend

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Millie's POV.

Wow! Finn played good. I watched him from afar in the back where crowds of people didn't push and shove me as we enjoyed the performance. Finn was really good at playing guitar. I was jealous. I couldn't play guitar and I wasn't ready to learn.

"Thank you! We all hope you all get home safely. Come see us again next year!" One of his members said to the crowd. As the crowd was disappearing to the doors, the group (band) came down to meet and drink. Finn came up to me and kissed my cheek.

"What did you think?" He asks me.

"I loved it. Wow! I was gob smacked." I said getting excited. "If only I could play guitar. I could join your band."

"Well why don't I teach you. Everyone is leaving and we have to wait until it's clear till we can go. I have a few moments spare."

"Really?" I asked excited.

"Of course. Your my girlfriend, Millie. I'll do anything for you." I smiled and looked down shyly. Wow! Girlfriend!

"Girlfriend?" I say smiling.

"Yeah. And I'm your boyfriend." I nod smiling still. Geez! I have a smiling problem. "Come here." He pulls me out on stage. Everyone was gone and we were the only two left. He picked up his guitar and sat down on one of the speakers. I stood watching. He looked up and helped me get a speaker to sit down on. I sat down and smiled, pulling my sleeves down. "Ready?"

"Ready!" I smile. I lose the smile and try and look happy.

"Okay. Here it goes." He starts to play the guitar and I watch his hands as he strums the string. I was so fascinated by it. I was watching him and what he was doing but I mostly got distracted by his looks. Right at that moment I fell in love again.

"Wanna try?" He asks. I nod after realising he had stopped. He passed me the guitar and tried to match his angles.

He went up behind me and try to teach me how to hold it and where to place my fingers. "You need to hold it like this. Place your fingers on there. Hold your hand out like that. Go ahead." I strum the guitar and it made a noise. "Again." I strum again trying to make a tune. "I'll help." He stood behind me again, leaning down over me. He started to take control of my hands.

"Wow!" I say out loud.

"It's good isn't it?" He asks. I stop and look up at him. He looks down and leans in to kiss me. We plant our lips one one another and we stayed connected until we got interrupted.

"Finn! We need to get ready." One of his band mates said. He walked off and left me and Finn behind. I stood up and smiled at Finn.

"Thank you Finn." I thank.

"Anytime." He said grabbing his guitar and taking my hand and walking us out. I just learned to play the guitar!

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