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Millie's POV.

It was late night and I had finished telling Sadie about me and Finn. She couldn't contain her excitement. I begged her not to tell anyone else as it's a secret and we don't know what we are yet. She promised and told me to take her out. Meaning, she takes me out and gets me more clothes. Not like I have enough already. I ended the call and went to bed. It was 10:45 and I was so tired. I went to turn my phone off but Finn lit up my phone. I answered and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hey Finnlard!" I called him.

"Hey Mills." He calls me. He never called me that before. I let it go and carry on.

"What you calling for?" I asked.

"I miss you." He spoke.

"Miss you too but I'm tired." I told him.

"Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asks.

"Sure! Why not!"

"Also will you sleep over as well." I thought for a second.

"I'll have to ask first." I told him. "Then I'll let you know."

"Great! See you tomorrow Mills." I smile and giggle.

"See you tomorrow Finnlard." I ended the call and went to bed. I'll ask tomorrow. It's too late tonight.

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