You & I

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Millie's POV.

I raced through the house. Finding my way out. I was scared and terrified. The guy who is after me is on my tail and keeps catching up. I screamed and called out.

"Finn! FINN!" I screetched. I was getting out of breath and I'm sure if I stopped it would mean the end for me. "FINN!" Out of nowhere, finn steps out and I run into his arms. I turn and the guy was close behind. "Finn run!" He held my hand but stood his ground. "Now! He has a weapon." Finn looked terrified but stayed. "Didn't you hear me." He turned and we both ran. I was getting tired and I'm sure I was going to stop at one point.

"Come on Millie! I know where we can hide." He held my hand tight, pulling me along. We turned the corner and hid. Finn placed his finger on his lips as to say to be quiet. I stayed quiet. Silencing my breathing. The guy ran past us and kept running. I was so terrified and scared that he would get us.

"Finn! I was so scared." I said. He held me close into a hug and I could feel him heavily breathing. I held tight onto his shirt, leaning my face away and leaning in to kiss him. I could hear the guy yelling. His was mumbling something but I couldn't understand. I held into finn for dear life. Don't let this be the end of us. "Finn!" He looks to me."Don't let this be the end of us."

"I won't Millie. I won't let him get you." He said back."Nothing can come between you and I." I smiled and leaned in to kiss him again. We was interrupted by the guy. He saw us and finn grabbed my hand and we ran for dear life. I took his hand and we ran till we couldn't run no further. We stopped when we came to a dead end.

"Finn!" I held tight. He turned to me and the first thing I knew was, we're going to die.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." We looked down as the floor looked dead hard. I looked up at Finn as my eyes begin to tear up. We could hear the guy behind and the next thing we knew, we was gone. It was stay and be killed or jump and die together. Finn wrapped his arms round and turned. "Close your eyes." We both jumped off the side. Finn would land first and I would be left undamaged and personal scarred. I felt my life flash before my eyes. I squeezed my eyes tight and next thing I knew, I never woke again. My life was gone. And I'm sure Finn's was too. We both died by the fall trying to save our own life. A life we would never see again.

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