Happy Birthday

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Finn's POV.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone cheered as I arrived in the front door. I slapped and helloed people as I made my way through crowds.

Suddenly out of nowhere Millie comes up and jumps on me. I hold onto her waist as she kisses me on the lips. We didn't break apart till 10 seconds later.

"Happy birthday Finnie!" She smiled. I smiled back and placed her down. She wrapped her arms round my neck as we just stared at each other.

"Thanks for this." I thanked. "You didn't have to though."

"I wanted to because your special to me." I smiled and planted a kiss on her lips. We hugged as groups of people were heading our way. I broke away as one of them starts hugging me and saying happy birthday. The other one and the other one.

"Happy birthday mate. How you liking the surprise so far?" Noah asked.

"It's great. You guys didn't put Millie up to it did you?" I asked as Millie was stood beside me.

"Not us." Gaten said. Sadie came out from the side.

"It was me. I wanted you to have a good day on your birthday." Sadie smiled.

"What would I do without you guys?" I asked them, hugging Millie close.

"Let's get this PARTY STARTED!" Caleb yelled and everyone cheered. The music hit and we all started dancing along. Some were jazz and hip-hop, a couple were beat drops. And some slow.


By 11 o'clock, people were drunk, sleeping, making out and some went home. The party wasn't ending yet. It was dark out and Millie was still raving with Sadie.

"Millie!" I called. I pulled her away from Sadie. "Can we go outside to the yard?" I asked. I had a plan set. We went out to the back where the pool was and we got near till I turned Millie around and stared her in the eyes before going in for the kill. She took my face and started working her lips away at mine.

"Finn." She moaned in our kiss. I didn't say out back and then suddenly push. She splashed into the pool and she got very wet. I jumped in and joined her. I wet my hair and everything. "How dare you!"

"You can't get mad at the birthday boy." I joked.

"I'm not!" She lied. She came up to me and we connected lips again. This time it was longer. We moved our heads around so we didn't crank her necks from being in one position. I grabbed her legs under the water as she wrapped them round him. Our kiss was deeper and deeper. Our tongues colliding together like two puzzle pieces.

We matched at this moment. I was free. We was free. I was alive.

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