Back to His

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Millie's POV.
After asking my mom if it was okay to sleep at Finn's, which she agreed to. I packed my things I might need tomorrow. My phone popped and binged. I looked and saw messages of Finn.

-Finn: bring some swim wear! I'm gonna take you somewhere special. It's magical too.

I got a little worried at first. Why is he asking me to bring my swim wear. I texted back.

-Me: why do I need my swim wear?

I got a message back.

-Finn: you'll find out tomorrow.

I hated when people keep things from me. It makes me want to know more. I packed what I needed for tonight and tomorrow and made sure I had swim wear. I brought some makeup and perfumes, refresh me after a swim. Which means we'll be swimming somewhere. I met my mom downstairs and she double checked everything before I went.

"You sure you got everything?" She asked.

"For the last time, Mom! Yes." Ava comes running and hugs me.

"I'll miss you!" Ava said sweetly.

"I'll be back tomorrow." I tell her.

"Good." Ava backs away and leaves me to turn and walk out the Brown household. I walked down the street to Wolfhard's household and I hope he doesn't bad about me in front of his family. That's the last thing I want.

I arrived finally and knocked on the door. I listened out and heard shouting. The door opened and who I assumed to be Mrs Wolfhard was standing there, with an apron on that had, 'Love to Cook!' written on it. She guessed who I was and welcomed me in.

"Come in!" She said in a happy mood. I walk in and stand at the doorway. "Finn, honey! Your girlfriend is here!" She called out to Finn. I looked shocked at her as she mentioned girlfriend. Would you even call me that yet. Finn comes out the stair way and comes into view.

"For the last time mom! She isn't my girlfriend. Finn said to his mom. He came downstairs and greeted me. "Sorry about her. Hopefully she hasn't frightened you." I shake my head and smile.

"I'm okay." I say.

"Do you want that taking upstairs?" Finn asked offering to carry my bag. I hand him my bag as he rushes upstairs and into his room, I think. I join Mrs Wolfhard in the kitchen.

"So mrs Wolfhard!" I call her.

"Please, call me Karen!" She insisted.

"Okay." I answer. "Karen, how long you being living here for?" It was a stupid question to ask but I had to.

"Uh! About... a few years now." She thought. She went back to chopping. "And you darling! I can tell by your accent that your not American?" She states.

"I was born in England. I grew there and picked up some languages." I tell her. I hear Finn come down but when I turned to see it was Nick.

"Hey Nick!" I say. He spots me and waves.

"Hey Millie. You staying the night?" He asks. I nod. He nods and goes into the kitchen. "Mom! What's for tea?" Nick asks.

"Pie love." She answers him.

"Is there enough for dad?" Nick asks.

"Should be." She answers not turning to her son. Nick walks off and back upstairs. Finn passes by and glances at me. He smiles and joins me.

"Mom!" Finn calls his mom. "Where's dad?"

"He's in the yard, sweetheart." Finn takes my hand and pulls me outside to meet his dad.

"Dad! This is Millie! The one I've been talking about." Finn introduced.

"Ah Millie Brown!" He spoke. He wasn't too old but he was old enough.

"It's Millie Bobby Brown." I tell him.

"Sorry love." He replies.

"This is my dad, Eric Wolfhard." Finn introduced.

"Call me Eric." He says. I nod and we sit and chat. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. There was stuff that were embarrassing but funny and some stuff that I never knew about. Karen called us in for dinner

-time skip-

After dinner, me and Finn went to his room. When we got there, I got tired and started to fall asleep. I was so tired that I could sleep through till tomorrow.

"Night Mills!" I hear Finn say.

"Night Finnlard." I call him. I could sense his smile. I don't know why but he loves been called Finnlard. He should be named that officially. Even though he might be bothered about it, when he gets picked on. People now a days judge people by their names. But I love his name and his nickname. They're cute just like him.

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