Breaking Up?!

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I woke up, sun shining in my room. It was a good day today. I climbed out of bed and got dressed. I went downstairs greeting my family one by one and grabbing myself cereal.

"Hey Millie." Mom greeted. I smiled and grabbed the milk.

"Hey mom." I smiled pouring my milk in with my cereal.

"You're Happy today?" She said confused.

"Yeah. I am. I'm gonna call Finn round and hang out with him." I smiled and went to grab my phone from upstairs. I got my phone and looked to it. I sent him a message and waited.

(5minutes later)

I got a text finally and as I appeared at it I froze. I stared at the screen and hoping I was seeing things.

We need to talk.

I stood there thinking. That's not good! I had to text him back. So I replied;

Sure! Where?

Meet me near yours. It's very important.

I text him back saying I'm on my way and head to the place he told me to meet him.


I arrived and waited. He turned up but he didn't look happy. I being a nice caring person went up and asked what was wrong.

"Finn, what's wrong?" I ask.

"I...I'm sorry." He says. I could see tears in his eyes.

"Finn!" I called, worrying.

"I'm sorry Millie. I don't want to do this to you but I have no choice." Finn started.

"Finn, what is it?" I asked.

"I... I have to break up with you." Finn told me. I straight up just died inside. I couldn't say anything. I felt like I was hit with an arrow and it went through to my heart.

"What did I do wrong?" I manage to bring out.

"It's not you Millie. My manager told me I had to break off this relationship to join the casting for a romantic comedy. I didn't want to do it but it's a good opportunity." He told me. "It was hard to tell you."

"I understand." I say with tears in my eyes. My throat was closing.

"Thanks." He says. I smile weakly and head off home. I didn't want to stick around much.


When I got home, I took it to my bedroom to let it out. I shut my door and burst out crying. I was incrontrollably let my cries out.

"Millie!" I heard someone call. They come in my room and see me on my bed. Paige walks over and holds me against her as I sob on her. "Millie! What's wrong?"

"Finn! He broke up with me." I cried. Why did it hurt so much? I'm in pain.

"Don't worry. I'm here." Paige said to me. Paige was the only person I could trust right now. She's my best friend and big sister I could ever ask for. Where would I be without one?


Hey guys I'm so sorry for this chapter but I had to because I've just been through a difficult breakup too. I'm trying to heal from it and it hurts badly. I thought maybe Millie and Finn would go through what I went through but differently how I went through.

Thanks for your support guys. I really need it the most at the moment. I'll try and update usual and try to cheer up a little. I'll get back to normal soon. Thanks.

From StrangerITThings52 x

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