Chapter 1 : I'm sorry

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Ladybug's POV :

"Chat Noir ! Watch out !!!"

I pushed him away from Hawkmoths attack and barely dodged it myself.

"Ladybug are you all right !?"

"Yes...", I said gasping for air, "Just...Be careful..."

"Ladybug ! Chat Noir ! Give me your Miraculouses or else !"

"Or else WHAT ?!"

"Ladybug, I know your real identity. It would be unfortunate if something happened to your parents...Marinette."

My eyes widened as his speech rung in my head. I could see Chat Noir looking at me with shock and a worrying look.


"HAWKMOTH !", Chat Noir snapped, "Why would you do that !?"

"I WANT TO BRING MY WIFE AND MY SON BACK ! Since they left for another family couldn't be happy anymore !"

"That may be's 2 lives against 2 ! Are you ready to sacrifice 2 inocent people !?"

"Yes. I am."

"What if your son disaproved with you ?"

" son ?"

"You may know Ladybug's identity...but I know yours...", he said as his eyes filled with tears.


"How dare you speak for my son !!"

"I AM YOUR SON !!!!"


I couldn't believe what was happening in front of my eyes. Hawkmoth was my idol. Chat Noir was my crush...Adrien was Chat Noir...My identity...everything was mixing up in my head.


I...I couldn't speak, why can't I breath properly...? I looked down to see a pool of blood slowly forming. A staff with a butterfly at the tip was sticking out of my stomach. I couldn't move.
Hawkmoth jumped at the occasion and grabbed my Miraculous.

"Ladybug !!"

My partner rushed towards me as I was falling on my knees.

"Chat. Go...You need to take my... Miraculous back..."

"Mari I can't leave you like this !!"

"As long as I have the staff I won't bleed out..."


"Go...Save my parents..."

"Fine..." he said obviously against his feelings.

Chat Noir's POV :

I looked back once again, leaving against my will...I needed to defeat my dad... I looked around with panic trying to spot my evil father. He was there, on the top of the Eiffel Tower with Marinette's parents. He really was ready to do it.

"Father !! Stop !!!"

"Adrien...Please give me your ring. Our family will be together again..."

"I want Félix and mom back too...But it's not the right way..."

"Once they will be back...You'll thank me later."

On those words he jumped on me. He kept aiming at my hand trying not to hurt me.

I needed... I needed to get rid of him.

"Cataclysm !!"

I was about to do it but I couldn't do it. I was frozen seeing my dad wince with fear. I can't take a life...I can't take a life of a criminal...
But my father didn't miss my dilemma and took the chance to grab my ring.

"No !!"

"It's too late."

A flash of red and black appeared our of nowhere. Spirals and flash of lights everywhere. In this chaotic mess, two human figures started to appear.

"Mom...Felix ?"

"Adrien ?"

"It worked ! It worked ! Emily ! Felix !"

"Gabriel ? What's going on ?" She asked confused and worried.

"I brought you back." He replies with a satisfying smile:

"But Gabriel if you did that then two others had to die !"

"I know..."

"Mr and Mrs. Dupain cheng !" I suddenly realised.

"Chat Noir !", screamed Mrs. Dupain-cheng while crying.

Her husband...He was on the floor. Lifeless.


"Who is the second person ?", asked mom.

It's when it striked me.

"Marinette !"

I grabbed my ring, fed Plagg and rushed back to her. She was there. On the roof in a pool of blood.

"Mari !!", I cried out.

"Chat ?"

She could barely speak.

"I'm sorry...I failed..."

"My parents..."

"Your mom she's alright...but your dad..."

"", she cried. If she could cry any louder she would, "take me to him..."

" need to go to the hospital...or you'll..."

"Exactly Chat I am the 2nd sacrifice. I want to be with them...please..."


I carefully carried her back to crime scene where Tom was still lifeless.

"Marinette !! Oh dear !!", yelled her mother.

Her mother rushed down to her as Marinette was slowly passing out.

"C'mon baby...You can't leave...please...stay with me..."

It was too late. All I could is cry. I was powerless. It's all my fault. It's all my fault...

"Can't we switch ?! Let me die instead of her !" sobbed her desperate mother.

"We can...", said a purple Kwami, "I need your Miraculous Chat Noir. And Ladybug's."

Without my permision he took it and the same show of lights happened. Marinette was breathing again but her mother wasn't...It worked.


Marinette's POV :

As I woke up, a blinding light was burning my eyes. I slowly turned my head to see Tikki on my side with another black kwami, sleeping.

"Tikki ?"

"Marinette ! Oh my god are you okay?", she asked as she hugged my cheak.

"Where are we..?"

"In the hospital..."

"My parents...?"

"Marinette, I...I'm sorry...They...they...didn't make it..."

I already knew that but I don't know...I guess I was still hopeful somehow...Slowly I could feel my eyes hurting as tears were dripping down my face.

"An-And what about Adrien. Where is he ?"

"I'm sorry..."

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