Chapter 9 : Reunion

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Hi! Here's the new chapter. I hope you'll like it and thank you to all of you who has been following my story. I hope I'll make a good ending.


Marinette's POV :

The smooth noise around me became chaotic, ringing in my ear drums. My clear mind became foggy. My almost healed body became sour, weak and cold.

« Maette! »

What was that? I can't understand you whoever you are.

« Manette! »

What? What's a Manette?

« Marinette! »

Marinette...? Why does it sound familiar?'s my name...

I began to slowly open my eyes and I managed to define a familiar blur of colours. A beautiful golden colour and emerald green, « Adrien? » I managed to cough.

« Marinette don't move. Help is coming. »

Why do I need help? I feel tired, sleepy...Yeah...just let me sleep.

« Marinette stay with me. You just collapsed. »

I what? Wait I collapsed?! I started to try getting up but a warm hand held me back gently.

« Stay still...You're all right... »

And I slowly dozed off again.


Suddenly a blinding light woke up. It seemed familiar...Wait....I'm in the hospital? Again!! Urgh...My head is pounding. I looked around this time seeing Tikki and Adrien sleeping on the small sofa.

« Adrien? » I called out.

« Marinette? Are you alright? »

« I think... »

« I'll get the doctor? »

On his words he slowly closed the door behind him. Tikki who seemed relieved by my gain of consciousness  hugged my cheek so hard that she left a small red mark.

« You had me worried Marinette? What happened? »

« I don't kno... », I tried to explain but I was interrupted by Adrien walking in with the doctor. Tikki quickly hid under the bed.

« Hello, I'm the doctor DuPont »

« Hi... »

« So Marinette, you collapsed because of a lack of sleep and eating, could you explain if you feel like it of course. »

« Well...I couldn't sleep much since my accident. And I never really felt hungry... »

« What was your accident? »

I hesitantly looked at Adrien but gave me a soft smile to reassure me, « I was stabbed in the stomach. »

« How come? »

« Umm...Have you heard about Hawkmoth...? »

« Yes I have...Terrible tragedy... »

I could see Adrien looking down at his feet, ashamed of his relative.

« The couple who was killed were my parents and I was with them... »

« Oh...I'm sorry for your lost...Have you felt depressed afterwards? »

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