Chapter 15 : A final fight

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Author's POV :

The two brothers headed towards Lila's house, making sure she wasn't there. Adrien transformed and carried his big brother bridal style to the highest window. Let's say that Félix was blushing from embarrassment.

"Okay, where are the miraculous?"

"Lila some how made a secret lair. It has a code, it's hidden behind this poster."

"Do you know the code?"


Félix lifted the Jagg Stone poster and tipped 4 numbers. It made an unpleasant sound, "What? Why isn't it working?"

"Because I changed it," A voice responded from behind the siblings.

The two blonds quickly turned around to see Lila in a purple suit. It was really weird.

Her hair were up in a bun with a few peacock feathers sticking out of the side. Purple gems were decorating the centre. Her body suit was purple with some shade of darker purple on her shoulders, belly and knees. Her purple feathers were sticking out if her back looking like a crown. She was holding a staff and a blue fan hanging on the side of her hip. She had the peacock and butterfly miraculous.

"Lila!! Why didn't you tell me about Adrien?!?"

"What do you think? You were going to drop out if I told you," she responded with a sassy attitude.

Before the boys could do anything, Lila attacked them throwing the dark purple feathers as her weapon. With his reflexes, Chat could easily dodge them. But Félix didn't have that kind of skill and got hit pretty quickly. A purple goo surrounded the young man to reveal his evil self in another costume.

"Félix! No!" Yelled his little brother panicking, "I'll come and get you, I promise!"

And the hero fled to get help.


The others were all resting in Chloé's room, all wondering what to do. The peaceful silence was interrupted by Chat Noir bursting the window open, panting heavily.

"Chat?! What happened?!" asked Marinette, worried about her lover.

"I confronted Félix and he took me to their hide out and Lila caught us and akumatized  him..."

"What?! Why would you be so careless!?!"

"If I took the miraculous then you wouldn't get hurt..."

"We are team. I don't care. Now I believe we have a fight to attend. Guys get as much snacks as possible and transform. Adrien feed Plagg quickly."

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison.

Adrien really liked that side of Marinette. Strong and confident.

This was the final fight. The fight which will decide the fait of the world.

All of them said their magic catch phrase and headed in the heart of the city. They asked for everyone to leave the area so they could fight without worrying about the citizens.

When the area was deserted, the atmosphere became tense. Normally we could here Queen Bee and Rena Rouge either fighting or bantering. Carapace would usually show them some dumb video or his latest mix. Chat would try to say as many pun as possible and Ladybug would brush him off gently and tease him. But no, that was not the case. The silence made it worse, a few crows could be heard far away, the faint noise of a croud coming from far away.

They waited here for quite a long time until a thud was heard. Lila and Félix in the lead of a small army, the remaining miraculous were given to  some people. And behind them some strange looking humans were standing there. But they looked really familiar, it was their classmates.

"Lila give us the miraculous now!"

"Why should I?"

"Cause if you destroy them you freaking idiot, it will destroy balance!!" Yelled Rena.

"That's just chit chat for me."

"Listen carefully you fucking bitch! It's going to bring chaos to the world! You'll be in trouble to."

"I only want revenge!!!"

"On what exactly?!"

"It's your fault Ladybug!!"

"Who cares!? Fight!!!!" Yelled Nino charging.

The fight was intense and breath taking. Flash of colours everywhere, sound of metal tickling each others, growls of pain coming out off both sides.

"Ladybug! Take care of the akumas first! We'll hold the others off" Instructed Queen Bee.


Fighting her classmates was pretty easy, she already knew what their weakness were. Over and over again "Bye, bye little butterfly," could be heard in the streets of Paris. Fatigue was invading Ladybugs body but the adrenaline kept her going. Once finished, they had to get their friend to safety.

They headed back to the main fight to see their friends struggling. Chat took Félix as his opponent and managed to cataclysm the object containing the evil butterfly. Time was precious at this point...

With the help of the others, the pig and horse holders were done for. They tied them up and confiscated their jewels. But in the process, Ladybug's team mates had to use their powers and they were all transforming back. Ladybug turned around to see her other team mates in the floor, energy less. The bombing and attacks didn't give them a chance to feed the poor kwamis asking for energy. Ladybug had to take them out on her own.

She casted her Lucky charm which helped her fight the other two remaining holders. Her time was almost up, but if she transformed back she was dead for sure. It took all of her will to cast another Lucky charm. Everyone was stunned at that fact. The young girl started to bleed from her nose and ears.

Lila didn't what to do, panick invaded her at the fact that Ladybug was still on her feet.

"Why won't you just die already?!?!"

"" manage to speak Ladybug obviously on the verge of fainting.


Lila jumped on her and latched out like a wild animal, giving bruises and burns on Ladybugs face, scarring her fair skin.


Ladybug took that chance cut her rival's hair off with the little knife she had gained, and the brooch which was decorating her hair fell to reveal only the butterfly suit.

Lila yelled of anger, furious for her long beautiful hair cut off in a messy way. Ladybug snatched the butterfly leaving the other girl defenceless.

That was it...They won.

Adrien and other phased out off the scene hypnonizing them and jumped on the brunette to tie her up.

"Marinette you did it!!" Cheered the team.




Message :

Boom cliff hanger!! I think that chapter 16 will be the last one.

Thank you to all of you and see you soon!

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