Chapter 10 : The Accident

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Hi! A very small chapter about Adèle. But I feel like It shouldn't be any longer.


Adèle's POV :

We are finally back to our house...our home. It has been years...When I walked in, a wave of nostalgia hit me like a truck. If the kids weren't with me, I would have cried.

Today, Adrien went back to school and Félix went to work and it was the first time I was by myself since we came back. I wondered around in our mansion, I forgot how big it was. I walked around in different rooms until I ended up in his office. Gabriel's office. I pressed the buttons of the painting and walked in our old layer. It changed so much...Now it's dark and sad. I continued walking around and I ended up next to two empty glass coffins. It seems like it was where we were resting. There was another little door hidden behind the bushes. A single bookshelf was standing with a couch. I sat down and took one of the photo album. When I opened it, it revealed a bunch of memories of our hero days.

Flash back :

"Papillon !! Watch out !!!!!"

It was the biggest fight we ever faced. This magical creature was really fierce. She created little bombs which could be really dangerous. Luckily, we had Protector who was akumatised by Gabriel.

"Papillon, I have a plan. We need to evacuate totally the area. I'll take control over it and make it explode."

"Seems like a plan. Okay. I'll distract them with Protector and you go evacuate everyone."

"Okay. Good luck."

After running back and worth to make sure everyone was safe. I came back and launch my special power, "Feather control!" I shouted as I threw some feathers towards the villain, "We have 30 seconds run!!!"

We all ran as fast as we could towards the safe zone. Protector putted up a protection shield and 10 seconds were left. I saw something like a humanoid figure. A civilian. Before Gabriel could move I rushed towards the old lady.

"Félix! No!" I heard in the background. I turned around to see my little boy running towards me.


"Félix! Go back to dad!"

I rushed towards him with the civilian on my back. I took him in my arms but before we could head back the explosion went off.

"I love you sweety."

"Nooooooooooo!!!" Gabriel screeched.
I squeezed my eyes as hard as I could. Emptiness invaded my mind and I knew what death looked like.

Gabriel's POV :

I went back to our house where Adrien was waiting. My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying I endured on the way home. My heart was shattered. I've lost my wife and my kid...How could I tell Adrien...

"Daddy!!" I heard.

My eyes were filling with tears again.

"Adrien...I'm sorry....Mommy and Félix are not coming back..."


"They...they died..."

"But...but...mommy said she would cook diner for my birthday....and...and Félix said he would help me with piano...," he sobbed.

"I'm sorry," I apologised quietly as I hugged him tight, "I'm sorry...But I promise, I will get them back..."

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