Chapter 2 : Why ?

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"What do you mean by I'm sorry...umm... ?", I asked sobbing.

"It's Plagg...."

"Plagg...what do you mean ?"

"He...he...he was really upset about the fight. He just ripped of his ring from his finger. I knew he was angry so I let him alone, hoping he would calm down. But... he...he...left during the night with his mother and brother...I'm so stupid..."

Following those words small tears started to drip down his face to. It was the first time I saw a Kwami cry.

"No Plagg not....okay", I tried to say while sobbing, "we...we need to find him...we'll get him back..."

On my words I tried to get up. It was really stupid and I just fell on my knees. I was so weak, to weak...With all of what happened, I couldn't budge, I just sat there lost and helpless. Slowly, the door opened and the kwamiis hid :

"Oh my god ! Marinette are you alright ?!"

I looked at her. My best friend. One of the few people I didn't lose that day. The sobbing turned into a wave of pain and sorrow, I cried my heart out. The fatigue and stress that built up those past years just bursted out along with my grieving, guilt and pain.

"Alya ! I just...I just...I just...I want them back...I just want them back...I can't do it anymore ! I'm tired of my life ! I just want it to end...."

I cried and yelled so hard that my throat hurted.

"No Mari don't say that. It's gonna be okay. You are not alone. I'm here. Nino is here. Adrien is here."

"No...he's not...he left...he abandoned me..."

"What ? No that's silly..."



"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to snap at you..."

"It's okay..."

And we stayed like that for a long time. Huging on the floor.


Since my parents death, I stayed at Alya's until things were sorted out. Her family was really nice anr I knew them for a long time. I still have my stitches from the fight. I'm not aloud to move much so no P.E or jumping around on the roofs.

But today was different. I was going back to school. I don't know if everyone knows about what happened but Nino and Mrs. Bustier are aware.

When we arrived at the entrance, Nino was waiting for us. Without Adrien.

"Hey Alya, Hi Mari !"

He kissed her on the cheek.

"Let's go then", he said while smiling.

Good. It seems like his attitude won't change.Maybe nothing is going to change. I don't want people to take pitty over me.

At first it seemed like nothing changed but as soon as I walked in the classroom, the atmosphere changed. Everyone turned around to stare at me. It seemed like they knew what happened. Some looked worried other looked at me like a stray dog.

"Hi guys...", I said in a weak voice. It was the only thing I could think off.

"Hi", replied the class almost in one voice.

"Marinette...", said Chloé,"I'm sorry for what happened... I guess... I kind of know what it feels like..."

What did she mean by that ?

"Thank you Chloé..."

There was an akward silent until the bell rang and Mrs. Bustier came in.

"Hello class. Before I check if everyone is here. An old student came back from abroad, Lila."

WHAT ?! No. Not her. Not now at least. Like if I didn't have enough things to deal with. Ladybug is suppose to be lucky. Bet it doesn't apply to me...

"Hi guys, long time no see"

"Lila, you can sit at Adrien's desk. He's not here today."

"Okay Miss."

As she sat, she gave me an evil eye. It made feel uncomfortable. It was the kind of look which said : "I could crush you at any moments".


It was finally lunch time. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't eat at home. So I sat down with Alya and Nino, trying to look happy but of course they knew it wasn't true. We ate our pasta mostly in silent. I mean...the situation is akward. Then we managed to laugh a bit with one of Nino's funny videos. But this funny moment was ruined by Lila.

"Hi Marinette. So I've heard of what happened to your parents, how sad...", she said really loudly so everyone could hear. But it didn't sound nice. It sounded like she was...mocking me. "I mean loosing your parents must be hard. And I've heard it was your fault."

Everyone was shocked. I didn't know what to do...

"Okay shut up Lila", yelled Alya.

"Too bad that Ladybug wasn't able to save them."

I felt my heart clutch on those words. It wasn't my fault...I got hurt...I....

"Okay Lila that's it !", snaped Chlo...é.

Wait what ?! Chloé ?!

"It's not nice !"

"And you're the one telling me that..."

"Plus I'm the only person who can insult Marinette. And at least, I have a little humanity left."


And she left.

"Thanks Chloé...I guess..."

"Like I said, she took it to far. It is not funny to loose a someone you love."


It has been a long day...But it's finally over. Alya and I were about to leave :

"Wait Alya I have to go to the bathroom"

"Okay, I'll wait here with Nino."

When I was washing my hands, Lila came in and pushed me on the wall. I couldn't move because I was just recovering from the fight.

"Listen to me Marinette. I know exactly what happened. I know who you are and what you've done. All of this is your fault. I will make sure that your life will be a living hell."

On those last words she released the pressure and started to walk away.

"Why ?"

"Why not ?"

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