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OMG GUYS! Delia_has_fun just opened my eyes! the song 'waste it on me' is going so well with my other story 'badboys vs nerds' !!! The lyrics fit! :D

Thanks for noticing it Delia_has_fun ! ♥


And another thing, I know I have a lot of grammar mistakes in my other story, 'badboys vs nerds', and I can edit them but I won't do it.  I don't want some comments to be deleted. Your comments are very important to me because they are your thoughts and feelings.   

(I'm only fixing mistakes when there are no comments or when the mistake is VERY serious...)  

So if you guys see a grammar mistake that's repeating itself all the time, please tell me by private message so I'll learn from it for this story... 




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Words: 3795


/ Third Person /

"Is it straight?"

"Totally gay" Hoseok answered when he sat on the couch in the living room.

Jin glared at him, "I'm serious Hobi, help me here" he asked with an annoyed voice, he was hanging a picture on the wall next to the television.

"I'm serious too, why are you putting a picture with a little kitty inside a cup? It's gay bro"

"What?! Look at it! It's so cute!" Jin pouted, "Don't offend it!" he pointed at the younger with an angry expression.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "to the right a little" he answered after a long sigh.

Jin listened to him and moved it to the right. He smiled and walked backwards to look at it from afar. His smile faded when he noticed it crooked, "you fucker!" he shouted at Hoseok and went back to fix it. The other boy just laughed out loud.

"Seriously, why are the walls so thin?" Namjoon sighed and walked into the living room.

"They aren't THAT thin" Hoseok chuckled lowly.

"So Jimin's and his boyfriend's moans are TOO LOUD!" he shouted through the stairs and sat down next to Hoseok who showed a disgusted face.

"Oh god... This Jay is doing it on purpose for sure" Jin mumbled and sat on the couch next to them.

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