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so because I'm dead sick I can't go out to celebrate it with my friends sadly... so I decided to update for u c:... 


I'll try to make this story long but I don't think I'll reach the 30 chapters lol

BUT I'll try!





Yoongi was damn lost after his erotic kissing scene with Jimin but he just decided to stop thinking about it.

Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook enjoyed the spanking game c:

Taehyung was sick and kissed with Jungkook ♥

Jungkook and Lisa broke up c:



words: 4712


Jungkook laid on the ground, blood filled his face, his body in pain and his eyes stared at the blue sky, which looked like red because of all the pain.

Justin Way was above him, his hand clenched into a fist, ready to give him another punch.

"OK OK OK STOP!!!" suddenly a voice stopped him. He rose his head to see a boy running to them, "you won! congratulation!" he had a scared smile and he bent down to Jungkook.

"Next time I'll kill him" Justin Way said while watching the boy grabbing Jungkook's arm, putting it around his nape.

"You are so strong! good job Justin Way! Way to go!" Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's waist and smiled cheerly at the strong man who rolled his eyes. 

The two started to walk away when their friends helped a little.


"Jeon Jungkook is getting into a fight and Kim Taehyung is coming to school when he's dead sick, what the hell is wrong with you?!" the nurse glared at the two boys.

Jungkook was laying on one bed when Taehyung was on the bed next to him. Jimin, Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok next to Jungkook's bed. They all were in the nurse room.

"Sorry..." Jin said with a small voice.

"And why are you still here?! go back to your class! now!" she demanded, made their bodies shuddered and they ran out to their classes.

Her glare went back to the other two boys, "Jeon, you're gonna rest here for one hour no more! you go to your next class understood?!" she determined and the younger nodded. "And Kim, why did you come here when you're sick?!"

"Uhh... I don't have medicines..." he made out an excuse.

The nurse sighed and looked at the sick boy again, "fine, I'll give you some" she went to the cabinet and took some pills. "Now go home and rest" she said after giving it to him.

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