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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTS!!!! I'm blushing hardly! you all are so nice! thank you so so so so much! 


❤️ If you want you can find me on Instagram as RoroBaka_ ❤️

This is the last chapter that contains a lot of Yoonmin, and the next chapters will focus more on VKook, but there will still be some Yoonmin moments. 🤷‍♀️



Hoseok and Jin gave Jungkook a mission to have makeup on his face for a whole day.

Yoongi caught Jimin and Jay in the janitor's closet and took Jimin to the men's toilets. He yelled at him with anger and kissed him. Told him that he chose Yumi.

Yumi and Yoongi are dating, even tho he doesn't really happy with it.  

Taehyung comforted Jimin.

The next day Jimin didn't come to College so Jay came to his house for sex.


words: 3600



This shout was heard from the entrance door. Jimin who looked like a dead body rose his eyes up to the person.

Jay stopped kissing the soft neck and looked behind him, noticed a very angry face.

"What the fuck is happening here Jimin?! get a room!" the person rolled his eyes in anger.

"Oh sorry Jungkook, we're just about to leave" Jay smirked and grabbed Jimin's arm pulled him after him upstairs.

Jungkook noticed Jimin's empty face and started to feel worried, "Yah stop" he called them, made Jay turn, "what's going on here?"

"What do you mean?" Jay asked with a smirk, "we're just going to have some sex"

"Jimin" now the younger called the pink haired boy, "answer" he demanded.

Jay chuckled, "yeah Jimin, answer him" 

Jimin's body trembled, he took some seconds to courage himself, "it's ok Jungkook..." he answered silently.

Jungkook felt that something was off but he let them go upstairs to Jimin's room.

When he noticed them disappearing he immediately called Taehyung, maybe he knew something.

"What?" Taehyung answered the call, "no I still didn't break up with Rose"

"Well... I didn't call for that but it surely makes me annoyed" Jungkook answered, noticed the silence in the other line. "When you finish College?" he asked.

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