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Recently I see too many stories when JK is the bottom... this makes me so confused when I'm writing my own story... hahaha

the stare ^ 😍😍

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the stare ^ 😍😍

words: 3779


/ Third person /

Jungkook sat on one of the couches, he held a red cup of beer and stared completely blankly at Taehyung who sat on another couch in front of him. 

Taehyung was with Rose, the two talked and laughed, sometimes kissed and touched. They looked so lovey-dovey that it sick Jungkook off. They all were in Seventeen's house, at their party.

Why did he stare? Well- he was drunk and Taehyung was in front of him so...- ok I don't have an excuse for Jungkook, but the situation annoyed him.

"You can't be like this with a girl when you so~ liked it in the ass" he mumbled silently to himself, completely forgot that like 100 people were around him, but the music was too loud and his voice was really low so it saved him pretty well.

When his eyes stared annoyingly at the handsome man, suddenly he remembered Taehyung's naughty face. He remembered the parted plump lips that were so close to him, and when- 'omg Jungkook! wake up! it's fucking Taehyung that you're thinking of!'

"Hey!" a cute feminine voice was heard next to him. He slowly moved his head up and recognized the sweet girl, "Lisa" he called her name silently with a blank expression.

"H-hey!" she said again with a smile, noticed that he was dizzy, "u-uhm..." she cleared her throat before continuing talking, "remember that I told you that I can't go out with you because of Rose? So... now she's dating Tae... which means... we can be together!" she smiled brightly and he just stared at her. Thought about it for a short moment.

"Ok" he retorted with a small voice and that made her smile even wider.

"So... I've thought maybe we can go to my house... you know..." she giggled excitedly.

"Ok" he shrugged and then stared at her, "Hey Lisa-"

"JUNGKOOK!!! WHERE IS JUNGKOOK?!" Hoseok shouted around the house.

"I'm here Hobi" Jungkook retorted with a tired voice, the boy was right next to him.

"Oh!" Hoseok started to laugh out that he didn't notice him, maybe because he was too drunk, "c'mon fatass! I have a mission for you! C'mon c'mon!" Hoseok jumped with enthusiasm while pulling Jungkook after him. Lisa pouted and walked after them.

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