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Oh god! this chapter gave me heartbeats I swear hahahaha

I hope you'll feel it too!!!

I hope you'll feel it too!!!

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Jin and Namjoon went for a date(?). they both are bi.

Yoongi and Jimin have their project together.

Taehyung and Jungkook almost kissed but baby Hobi disturbed them :(

Also, they are gonna have an empty house so they are planning to 'kill time'.

Jungkook danced Gangnam Style with dicks crown.


words: 4231


"You're late." 

Yoongi raised his head up when he noticed a pink hair walking closer to him.

Jimin rolled his eyes while sitting next to him in the library, "sorry Mr. Min" he faked a smile while looking at the older.

Yoongi sighed, "where have you been?" 

"Just hooked up with Taemin" Jimin shrugged and took a notebook out.

"Taemin?" Yoongi cocked a brow, "isn't he also bottom?"

"He's both" 

Yoongi nodded, "fascinating," he said with sarcasm, "anyway- start, I'm almost finishing my part"

Jimin opened the notebook, "fine" he sighed annoyed by the older. He noticed something was different in him and he understood what it was,

Min Yoongi wore glasses.

"Didn't know you need glasses" Jimin looked at his side only to stare at the older.

"Just bought them yesterday for an accessory" he was about to take them out but Jimin's voice stopped him, "why? it looks good on you" he smirked while leaning on his palm.

Yoongi quirked a brow at the younger. He decided to ignore him and continued working.

"Why you are so cold to me?" Jimin suddenly asked, still in the same position staring at the older.

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