Chapter 4 (Tell Me)

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Steve's POV:

Bruce still looked at me concerned "Well do you want the good news or the bad?"

I grabbed his shoulders and almost started shaking him. "Just tell me if she's alive!"

Bruce took my arms off his shoulders " Well then you get the good news."

The agony was killing me "Just spit it out Banner!"

"She's alive. we had to do a major surgery and as you know it took a very long time."

I sighed with relief. I'm just happy she's alive.

Bruce continued "The weird thing is she shouldn't have survived that shot."

The word survive pierced through my brain. "But she's ok. Right?"

Bruce looked back up to me "Oh, Well the bad news is she hasn't waken up from the medication we gave her, it might take about 2 day's to ware off."

I lifted my head "Can I see her yet?"

"Well not yet. We are going to move her into her own room, then you can see her when ever and as long as you like. oh and I almost forgot."

He pulled out some kind of tube.

"I need you to put this ointment on her stitches every 3-4 hours."

"Ummm, what dose it actually do. it looks like toothpaste."

"1st of all it's not toothpaste. I made it my self and it actually works. It should make her heal faster."

I smirked "It's not going to make her green is it?"

We both chuckled.

Bruce was about to walk back into the room but turned around "Oh Steve could you maybe get some of her clothes. she's going to be asleep for a while and she mind as well be comfortable."

"No problem I'll get them right now."



I walked back with the clothes In my hand " Ok I brought her sweats and one of my tee shirts, because I didn't want her wound to ruin any of her shirts."

Bruce took the clothes from me and gave it to one of the nurses. "That's a good idea Steve." Bruce then handed me the ointment.

"Why do you want me to put on the ointment?"

"Well I'm guessing you are going to be around her the most and well... You did save her life."

"Yea I guess so" I walked back to my room so I could wait for Natasha. I'm just happy she's alive. losing her, my best friend would be too much for me



I opened the door do the nurses could get into Natasha's room. they took her off the gurney and placed her on the bed. for the passed 3 hours people came to visit her and to see how she was doing. I wanted to stay with her as long as possible. I could never let her out of my sight again.

After everyone left I put a chair next to Natasha's bed. she looked in pain but still peaceful. Pushed her hair behind her ear like I always did. Her hair was still flat ironed from yesterday.

"Riiinnnnggg Riiinnnnggg!!!" I jolted up from the alarm I set.

"Time for the ointment" I pushed off some of her blankets, then pulled her shirt up to where I could get to her stitches. the cap was already off so I squeezed the clear gel on her wound and softly rubbed it in. I didn't want to hurt her, but then I noticed something she had a big scar on he right side. how did she get that scar? I pulled the shirt I gave her back down and put the blankets back on her.

I stood up to put the ointment away, but something caught my eye. it was a box that said old pictures. I opened the box and looked through some of the pictures, one of the was an old picture of her and Clint, when they were going out. I always thought that was weird because they are so different and not her type. The next picture was of Natasha and Fury, I think that was when she was becoming a SHIELD member. I pulled out one more picture, it was of me and Nat. My arm was around her waist and we were both smiling at each other. the weird thing was, I don't remember this at all. the picture looked like it was taken after a mission. I turned it over and it said "2nd mission with Steve." then it said "Fury?" How come I don't remember this. all this thinking made made me tired, so I walked back to my chair and sat down. I glanced back at Natasha.

I wanted to go to sleep but I didn't want to leave her, so I just fell asleep in the chair with my head on her arm.


Authors note:

Thank you for reading soldiers.

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