Chapter 11 (Hurt)

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Steve's POV:
I was still flat on my back in the middle of the doorway when I Heard Natasha scream my name. shit she can't know I'm hurt. Natasha started to run down the hallway. How is she going to react? Natasha will be pissed if she found out I got hurt trying to hunt down a guy who threatened her, especially a guy from her past. I'm actually so terrified that I can't feel the pain anymore.
Before Natasha slide down to my side. I quickly flipped over onto my stomach and shoved my face into the ground so she wouldn't see my cut up body.
Natasha plopped down underneath my door frame where I painfully lied down. Her small soft hands griped on to my shoulders as she shook my body.
"Steve what's wrong? where were you!"
It took every bit of me to not look at her worried face, but I had to stay strong and look down.
"I'm fine Nat. I just...went out"
Natasha left one hand on my shoulder. she sounded offended but still worried
"Steve why are you lying to me and why aren't you looking at me ?"
Damn it how can she see right trough me. I need to think of a good lie, fast. "I'm not lying! all I did was leave during the meeting and went to sam's house, then I came back here!"
Natasha took her hand of my shoulder and squinted her green eyes. she sounded angry.
"Steven why don't you just tell me what's going on? I know when your lying. Even if your story was true 'which it's not' it still wouldn't explain why your flat on the floor and not looking at me!"
I could feel the sweat and blood drip off my forehead as I was trying to continue with my terrible Lies.
"well I'm on the floor not looking at you because I thought I lost"
I heard Natasha slowly stood up. "you don't even where contacts! do you reall- never mind I'm done Steve!"
I could hear her walk away to her room. I feel like a total dick for doing that to her. I don't want her to be mad at me, I would never want her to be mad at me. I slowly and painfully pushed off the ground
"Natasha wait! Please, I'm sorry!"
Natasha hesitated at her door and slowly turned her head back toward me. at first she still seemed irritated, but then her eyes widened. She must Have realized what I was hiding. With my left hand, I held my chest were I was cut to help the bleeding and with my right hand I used the door frame to prop myself up.
"I'm sorry for lying, just please don't be mad."
As much as I was terrified I was so relieved to see her face. It feels like I haven't seen her in years even though it's only been a day.
Natasha's POV:
I have so many questions to ask Steve. especially why he would lie to me like that?
As I walked up to my door I stopped immediately when I heard Steve's voice calling my name. I quickly swiveled my body around to see his puppy dog face. I expected to feel ecstatic but instead I feel like my insides were on fire. seeing Steve struggling to stand up and seeing the blood drip from his body killed me.
I rushed to his side and supported him so he could stand up.
"Steve...wha- how did this happen?"
Steve strained his words
"I'm fine I promise."
I lead him down to my room.
"no you aren't! your all cut up and you look like your going to pass out! get in my room I have a first aid kit."
Me and Steve stumbled into my room "here go lie down I'm going to grab some gauze."
A billion thoughts were going through my mind but only one came to mind at the time, why dose it look he went from hell and back and were could he have possibly gone in one day? I want to kill him for just leaving like that, but I feel like it's my fault for making him terribly hurt.
I kneeled down next to the bed.
Steve put his hand on my cheek. "you don't need to do this Nat. it's not that bad."
My heart was beating 10 times faster from how nervous I was. I pushed Steve's hand away.
" rogers it would have taken 30min for you to die from blood loss, so don't say it's that bad!"
Steve sighed. before he could say sorry again I put my hand over his mouth.
"stop saying sorry!"
Steve pulled my hand away and interlocked my fingers.
"fine, I'll stop."
Steve flinched for a second then groaned. my stomach dropped. each time he sounded hurt I always think it's the end of the line.
I took out the gauze and turned to Steve. "this might hurt a little..."
He clenched onto the pillow as I dabbed his cuts. It was hard to clean up his cut through his shirt.
Steve let go of the pillow.
"hold on..."
He slowly pulled off his shirt so I could get access to his wounds. Wow, just wow. my jaw dropped. I knew Steve was strong but, was he always this buff? Each of Steve's muscles were perfectly sized with strength. from his rock hard abb's to his pecks and biceps.
" something wrong."
Jesus this boy is gunna give me breathing problems. I closed my mouth.
"oh... uh nothing's wrong ."
Once I finished cleaning up the blood I examined each of his cuts. What would be the quickest way of helping him? duh of course the ointment banner gave me to heal my injury. I pulled out the ointment and unscrewed the cap.
Steve started to laugh.
" Wow this seems a little familiar doesn't it ?"
I squeezed some onto my hand.
"Well the only memory I had was you being scared for your life."
Steve quieted down "I only was afraid because I thought I was losing you."
I could feel a swarm of butterfly's in my stomach.
I shut myself up and poured the gel into my hand.
"ok let's get this over with."
I gently touched his chest and rubbed in the clear gel. Steve breathed heavily. I could see the pain in his eyes. I could tell he was trying hide it but I could easily tell because, he's a terrible lier and I could read anyone.
"Steve... I need you to tell me something and I need for you to be honest. You can't lie to me and you know it. This means a lot to me"
Steve nodded his head.
"Nat we're partners of course I'll answer what you want to know, especially if it means a lot to you."
I started to put gel on his cut near the his stomach.
"Okay, then tell me what happened."
Steve sighed
" well when Maria was giving a recap of what had happened to you guys in the dark ally, I looked at you and Clint. I just got mad, I don't know why but I wasn't thinking and just left. The guy who hurt you needs to be put in jail! You need justice Nat! Anyways I was stupid and didn't pay attention to any the details. I was just so pissed at this stupid guy, so I went to the quinjet and headed to Russia. I looked every where for him, but then I got tranquillized by like twenty men and well this is what he did to me. strapped me up, beat me up, cut me.
I could have snapped him like a twig but he told me that if a moved a muscle he would have killed you. He said they were watching you, so I stood my ground. they knocked me out and well I guess I ended up here. anyways the bastards name is Ivan Petrovich."
I almost felt like a bullet went through my brain.
"Steve don't ever do that again without telling me. If you died I would never forgive myself. Ivan is a dangerous guy and I don't think you know who your dealing with. don't go near him or listen what he has to say."
I moved to the cut on his stubbly chin. he probably hasn't shaved in awhile. I started to dab the gel on his warm cheek.
Steve looked guilty.
" I just wanted justice for his crimes. he can't do this to you!"
I gave a pitiful laugh.
"I don't deserve justice and I defiantly don't deserve your kindness. With the things I've done in my past I don't deserve anything "
Steve looked at me like I was stupid.
"What are you talking about? Natasha your special. you've lived through hell yet you still stay strong. I don't know exactly what you've done before, but I know the person you are now and you defiantly seem like the smartest, big hearted girl I've seen in a long time."
I felt like he made me feel better, but he might have heard of what I've done, although he doesn't know what it feels like to do wrong. Ivan controlled me like a puppet and I didn't make choices for my self.
"Thanks Steve, but I don't think it's something you will understand."
When I finished wiping his cheek Steve held my wrist.
"If I could give you one thing right now, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me."
I blushed. Steve had such a way with words. maybe because he's 95, but he still always knew what to say. I don't know how we became such good friends. we seem so different, but so very similar. i guess it makes us a contradictory team up. these past weeks have been such an emotional roller coaster it's like I haven't been myself at all.
I plopped down on the bed next to Steve and stared at the ceiling above me.
"What's wrong with us, Steve?"
He put his bare arm around my shoulder.
"What do you mean, Nat?"
I stopped looking at the ceiling and looked at Steve.
"I mean, what happened with us. we used to be partners in crime, the perfect team up, but now it's like things have changed and we can't even communicate. we used to tell each other everything. I miss that. I've never had a friendship were I could tell them everything. in fact I've never told anyone the things I could tell you...Never mind I probably sound crazy. "
Steve breathed in.
"Trust me your no where near crazy. I've noticed these things too and I just wish we could restart these past two weeks over, so everything could be back to normal."
I nuzzled my way closer "we should start over! I don't want us to live like this anymore, we could have everything back the way it was."
Steve yawned, he seemed really tiered. I guess he did have a long day. being beat the shit out of then being brought back to the stark tower to get patched up.
"That sounds great Nat, how about I talk to fury then we watch a movie or something."
I felt a smile creep onto my face. "I can't wait. I love having movie nights with you."
I lifted my head to see that Steve was fast asleep. I should probably sleep on the couch. I don't want Steve to feel uncomfortable after what he's been trough. I slowly got off my bed and headed to the couch.
Steve sleepily lifted him self up.
"I'm sorry Tasha I should probably go back to my room."
I walked closer and made sure he stayed in bed.
"Wait stay here I don't want you getting hurt, I don't want to lose you."
Steve pulled me closer.
"Fine, but if I'm staying here, your staying right next to me."
I walked back to the couch, but Steve stopped me.
"That's not next to me! You don't need to be so far away."
I laid back Down on the bed as Steve warped his arm around me. He smelt like mint and Fresh air. It felt nice to feel safe for once. Steve's heat made me slowly fall asleep, but then I had one constant reminder of the devil himself, wandering if he was watching me. Ivan knows I'm mad and he knows I won't stop.

Authors note:
Please forgive me! I'm sorry for being a total jerk for not writing this faster.
Thank you guys so much for 4k!!!
My shout our for the chapter is immortal_taco ! Everyone should read her story's because they are AMAZING!

Ps: extremely sorry about spelling and grammar errors. Sometimes b

Thanks soldiers!

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